Purple Posted September 23, 2008 Share Posted September 23, 2008 First let me say maybe this would be better in news or somewhere, but it IS a rant for me. I'm in California, and there is a proposition on the ballot to have the new right for same sex marriage to be banned and for marriage to be defined in the state as between one man and one woman. That alone is bigotry, but is, granted, politics. I am doing what I can to see this prop defeated and in doing so I read some of the pro prop 8 sites. So, at The "Protect Marriage" (rolls eyes) site there is this article about a couple who is all butt hurt cuz when they went to get their marriage licence the language on said document has been changed. Oh nos whatever can we do??!!" :grumble font: asshats. No, instead of being a "Bride and Groom" you will now be Party A and Party B. Oh no, they can't be a bride and groom, well they're taking their ball and going home! Cuz apparently if they don't get to be a Bride and Groom on a legal form, well then NO GAY COUPLE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO MARRY AT ALL, EVER! WTF!? Basically proponents of a marriage ban are so hard up to find reasons why same sex marriages are wrong, outside of religion, they have resorted to this. Words, that's all, symantics. At their wedding they would be a Bride and groom, in their church... Bride and groom. On their invitations, in their hearts, to their friends and family they would be a bride and groom. Legally they would be fully married, but, because someone choose to change the language on a legal form to "Party A" and "Party B" they think other people shouldn't be allowed to be married at all, ever. Perhaps according to your religious faith same sex marriage is wrong. Okay, that's your belief, but it is not mine, or the belief of many other people. No on 8 will NOT mean your church has to marry same sex couples. If you are hetrosexual, and vote no on 8, you're still hetrosexual. Religion should not ever be the base for civil law. Not here, not now. I am not just saying that because I am anti-religion, no, I'm not anti-religion. Theocracies are bad for people, goverments, AND religions. Theocracies opress people and corrupt goverments AND religions. Since seemingly, to this couple, the form is what is important. If the state had instead spent a little more money and let people on the forms be a "Bride and Groom", "Bride A & Bride B", or "Groom A & Groom B" would that make it all better? Would they then allow for loving, moral, monogomous same sex couples to try for the same happiness they are trying for, or, would they just find another excuse to be a bigot? Do us all a favor, if you live in California, on November 4th vote no on Prop 8. Do it for me, do it for my daughter, do it for yourself. Do it for your religion (or lack thereof) and this country. Vote no on 8 to protect families. Telling same sex parents they cannot have a legal, secure marriage does not protect ANY family. Have a heart, get over yourself, vote NO on 8. Thanks for reading my rant, have a spiffy day. http://www.protectmarriage.com/article/cou...wedding-license Edited to add the stupid link. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mwc Posted September 24, 2008 Share Posted September 24, 2008 Well, I going to rebut this. Ever since "the gays" have been allowed to marry here in CA I have turned totally gay myself. It's true. My marriage has taken a turn since the license is now simply worthless. It's not because of the all the religious crap over the past few years. It's the gay marriage. It has impacted me on a very fundamental level. I know it's "out" there and I couldn't resist the gay "agenda." I've got my ass-less leather chaps on order. That's just not right and neither is the gay marriage. Put a stop to this madness! mwc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andy Posted September 24, 2008 Share Posted September 24, 2008 I'd love to help, but I'm not in CA. Hoping it won't pass though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhoof Posted September 24, 2008 Share Posted September 24, 2008 [snip] Might I suggest a move here to Virginia? That ought to "straighten" you right up! We Virginians wouldn't even think of allowing such abominations here. I mean, this state even touches Washington By Gawd D.C.! In fact, around these hills most folks think homosexuals are only in San Francisco and Key West. Why pass laws for people that don't even live here? / fuckin rednecks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Moderator buffettphan Posted September 24, 2008 Super Moderator Share Posted September 24, 2008 / fuckin rednecks! Ain't that the truth! (from a fellow Virginian.....damn, I need to move!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neon Genesis Posted September 24, 2008 Share Posted September 24, 2008 I still don't get how same-sex marriage effects heterosexual marriage at all. I think we should write a book that says it's the word of god, but only gays and lesbians go to heaven and you go to hell if you're straight. Then, we can all make orginazinations that convert people to their true sexuality of homosexuality and see how many people believe it. I just don't get why can't Christians see that the same-sex marriage debate is identical to the inter-racial marriage debate, even right down to using the bible. These Christians are also hypocrites because the bible forbids divorce too, but they don't have a problem with the government legalizing divorce. If Christians claim to believe in the "traditional family" (whatever that is), then why do Christians have higher divorce rates than non-Christians and why don't they follow the bible's forbidding of divorce? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robbobrob Posted September 24, 2008 Share Posted September 24, 2008 Up here in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, we were the first in the nation to close the free ride long-term relationship Homosexuals were getting. Think about it, when unmarried Gay couples split up.....there is no legal system needed, no divorce courts, no lawyers, no bureaucracy, no nothing that the government can get their hands into and make money off of with fees and such. PLUS, when those Gays would have their domestic partnership ceremonies, the government was not getting its cut of the marriage fees and such. Once politicans realize how much money in marriage and divorce fees they are losing by not allowing Gays to marry, all 50 states will be on the bandwagon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Purple Posted September 24, 2008 Author Share Posted September 24, 2008 [snip] Might I suggest a move here to Virginia? That ought to "straighten" you right up! We Virginians wouldn't even think of allowing such abominations here. I mean, this state even touches Washington By Gawd D.C.! In fact, around these hills most folks think homosexuals are only in San Francisco and Key West. Why pass laws for people that don't even live here? / fuckin rednecks! People who think there are not rednecks in Cali have never been to Riverside or Bakersfield, and don't even get me started on Orange County. K, so they aren't rednecks but by god dem liberals are gonna raise thar taxes, or more like OMG Buffy the icky dems are like totally gonna cost me my new hummer, :gasp, blank look: some even say I shouldn't have one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mwc Posted September 24, 2008 Share Posted September 24, 2008 Might I suggest a move here to Virginia? That ought to "straighten" you right up!We Virginians wouldn't even think of allowing such abominations here. I mean, this state even touches Washington By Gawd D.C.! In fact, around these hills most folks think homosexuals are only in San Francisco and Key West. Why pass laws for people that don't even live here? Virginia does seem similar to "vagina." Could work. Plus, I think Robbobrob's got it right. Once the money starts rolling in the bureaucrats and lawyers will get on board. Gays will show themselves to ultimately hate each other as much as straights do (give or take). And who wouldn't want a piece of that action? mwc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mwc Posted September 25, 2008 Share Posted September 25, 2008 Saw a bumper sticker that said "Yes on 8" today. First one I ever noticed. Had a little stick family on it (something like would go on a fridge...mom, dad and a couple of kids all holding hands). I was sold. I had no idea what "8" was about from the sticker but who could argue with the little stick family? I want that happy little stick family thing to be law. mwc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhoof Posted September 25, 2008 Share Posted September 25, 2008 .... Once the money starts rolling in the bureaucrats and lawyers will get on board. ....... And who wouldn't want a piece of that action? That would be an added bonus, but I still think it'll be a hard sell. In any given society, the majority is always sane. People who thought the earth was round were definitely considered insane. Sadly, the "flat earthers" of today cast an awful lot of votes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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