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Goodbye Jesus



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"Just because you do not take an interest in politics

doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you."

-- Pericles

(495-429 BC) "The Olympian"

430 B.C.




"You have all the characteristics of a popular politician:

a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner."

-- Aristophanes

(450-385 BC) Greek comedy writer

Source: Knights, 424 B.C.




"A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?"

-- Marcus Tullius Cicero

(106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator


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LOL! I guess some things just don't change.


(btw, nice new sig)

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