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Goodbye Jesus

I Half Came Out On Facebook! Yay Me :)


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Yup. I removed "Religion: Catholic" from my profile information, and I also left all of the Catholic/Christian groups I was in.


I say that I only "half" came out because I changed my profile setting so that it would not show up on my friends' news feed that I had done either of these things. I also made sure to leave some non-Christian groups at the same time so that if anyone (my Catholic/Christian friends, family) noticed anything "suspicious", I would have something to say to them.


So, I guess you could say that what I did was sort of lame. On the other hand, I think it was a big personal step for me to be able to do those things without feeling entirely guilty. There was SOME merit in what I did. Yeah, now that I think more about it, I suppose the most important and commendable thing about this is that I finally admitted to myself in some tangible way that I am de-converting.

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That is not at all lame. I did the same thing myself awhile ago (I removed everything but my sex and birthday, actually). It does feel empowering.


Go you!

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Don't feel bad, I did the same thing...


It feels better to not deceive people, even if you aren't telling the whole story.


I also typed out a lengthy note on why I couldn't believe in God anymore, which I promptly saved to 'drafts' and never posted. I recommend the exercise, it helped me sort out my thoughts early on.

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I did something like that as well. I've also used facebook to drop a lot of hints, like quotes by freethinkers, putting a few atheist/anti-christian books on my list, things like that. People don't pay a lot of attention to that kind of thing.

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Yeah, I'll chime in with another "not lame!" Baby steps, baby steps. It is best to be comfortable and guilt-free with who you are and where you are at right now before you go making proclamations about your lack of belief. I actually am not a fan of proclamations at all... I just sort of let myself gradually fade away from the Christian world. I still maintain several close friendships with Christians, and I have been honest with them about my beliefs (or lack thereof) and they respect me and love me for who I am. I think a big bold "I don't believe anymore" announcement would have jeopardized some of those very dear friendships. So I applaud you and your baby steps.


Re: facebook, ever since I joined up my religion has been "devout adherent to the church of cask ales." Nobody has said anything about it. :P

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I did the same thing a while ago. First I changed it from "Religion: Pentecostal" to "Religion: Christian" way back when. Then, more recently, once I had convinced myself that my doubts weren't going away, I just took out the religion thing altogether. Did it like you, deleted it from the mini-feed so I wouldn't get a lot of posts on my wall.


Since that point, I've been trying to come up with the perfect thing to put in there, once I'm ready to do so. It's a fun exercise to do. Do I want to become a Pastafarian? Or am I more of a Church of Jedi person? So many options :)

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Ooh Jedi is a good one. I might use that.

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