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O'bomber Whizzing On 2a And 1a..


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Bad enuff O'bomber hates 2A... Now pissing on 1A


Follow the bloody fool link and read up on Barry and his handlers to try and stop advertising slapping his known long time antipathy towards firearms and ownership of same.


:self edited for roughness, necessary and un..:





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Earlier this week, the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund released a series of radio and television spots to educate gun owners and sportsmen about Barack Obama's longstanding anti-gun record. In response to the NRA-PVF ads, a clearly panicked Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are doing everything they can to hide Obama's real record by mounting a coordinated assault on the First Amendment.


OMG THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN IS PANICKING!!! They are so forked now!!


As usual, this neo-con propaganda is geared to ritalin and oxycontin brain dead dummies with no critical reading skills.


I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I'm a fence sitter as far as gun rights go. But this article really does suck. The only ones panicking are the neo-con stooges I'm really get sick of this manipulative, whiny, hateful group of people. There are few who are more obnoxiously loud-mouthed than the gun nuts and the anti-MMGW lobby. The world stands agape and wonders what Americans have been smoking.

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