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Goodbye Jesus

Paul And Jesus


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  • Super Moderator

Creation myth is just an example. Substitute "Kundalini."


Mainly I wanted to say I didn't choose atheism. We can study things and understand them, but not be persuaded they are real.

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Creation myth is just that. A myth.


However, being buddhist, I am learning about this Kundanlini energy and think there's something to it. Don't know what though.


In addition, I am a free thinking human which means I can change my mind at any time I like. ;)

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  • Super Moderator

We all change our minds. That's why this site exists! :P

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No need to be rude.


It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. That's why we come to a forum like this, so we can express our opinions without fear of being snubbed by others.


When you write a retort such as this, it's equivalent to, well, just being plain immature.

Fine. What did you want me to address in your post?



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