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I never could bear to write one. too painful.

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Hi there!

I have just found this site and submitted an extimony, but I didn't have the energy to write out a lot of the details. This is a fantastic place to come to read and find out that others have truly been harmed from this fear spreading, bejeebus, holy bibly crap. I used to feel the shame of the horrible 39 years of life I left b4 I found bejeebus. Now it is the horrible 20 months of the stupid shit I believed and the weird ass people I associated with. Thank you for sharing this story. Puts yet another nail in the coffee. I'm getting really really really angry now, and am learning I have a right to be.


Continue to think freely!!

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Freeradikle, thanks for sharing your story. Success stories are always a pleasure to read. PatrickB, I read your story, too. One thing we have in common is that we got out--by the skin of our teeth or otherwise. PandaPirate, maybe I'm wrong but I think I see a change since you first started posting and my guess is that the poison is gradually draining. If you never post an eximony that is okay. If the day ever comes that you feel like it you can still do it. But this is Freeradikle's thread. Very good story. You must be a pretty smart person to find your way through all that and come out the other side on one piece. Congratulations!

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Thank you for sharing, freeradikle.

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Hi! I'm "rza and in turn I'm too fook'in stoopid to read the Rules here in Testimonies section.




Freeradikle, your post is a testimony of just how cold Christians can be, hence the bible say we should "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). Churches and Christians are not perfect and will never be perfect hence it's important not to rely on them, but rather on Jesus whom we accepted as the Lord and saviour. I urge you to find help from Jesus for depression, and not Christians or people, because only He is able to give us joy and peace by changing our inner-self.


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Freeradikle, your post is a testimony of just how cold Christians can be, hence the bible say we should "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). Churches and Christians are not perfect and will never be perfect hence it's important not to rely on them, but rather on Jesus whom we accepted as the Lord and saviour. I urge you to find help from Jesus for depression, and not Christians or people, because only He is able to give us joy and peace by changing our inner-self.


Not christians or people? Just an imaginary being eh? Boy that should really help him a lot! So what you are basically saying is NO christian can help, no person can help, just praying to a silent, unanswering, none-existential being is his biggest hope? I really don't think it's possible for you to actually be of LESS help then you are right now...

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Freeradikle, your post is a testimony of just how cold Christians can be, hence the bible say we should "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). Churches and Christians are not perfect and will never be perfect hence it's important not to rely on them, but rather on Jesus whom we accepted as the Lord and saviour. I urge you to find help from Jesus for depression, and not Christians or people, because only He is able to give us joy and peace by changing our inner-self.


I will say that you are efficient. In 3 posts, you must have pissed off about 30 people, so you really have fine tuned your annoyance factor!


Just felt you need a little compliment... hehe.


As told to you in other threads, take it to the lion's den please. You are totally unwelcome in this section of the forums. (not personal, anyone preaching in the testimonial section is unwelcome too).

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Freeradikle, your post is a testimony of just how cold Christians can be, hence the bible say we should "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). Churches and Christians are not perfect and will never be perfect hence it's important not to rely on them, but rather on Jesus whom we accepted as the Lord and saviour. I urge you to find help from Jesus for depression, and not Christians or people, because only He is able to give us joy and peace by changing our inner-self.


This is one of those way over the top ideas from someone who thinks they know better than everyone else. Positively frightening!


I relied on jebus and the holey bibley for my depression and anxiety. Turns out I got so depressed that I was praying multiple times a day for god to take my life, not to mention almost having consumed enough alcohol to kill an elephant. Depression often needs help from a psychologist or psychiatrist, not some 2000 year old book and a mystical figure. Stick to what's REAL. That's what we're here to try to do.


Oh, and don't rely on other human beings? It's all we have, for pity sakes. Depressed people should NOT isolate themselves. That' probably the best way increase depression and open more opportunities for suicidal thinking.


Save us from the Christians!!!

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I urge you to find help from Jesus for depression, and not Christians or people, because only He is able to give us joy and peace by changing our inner-self.


There are some of us who were Christians for 30 years, whether you think we were "real" Christians or not. Get the picture? We talked the talk and walked the walk and found Jesus didn't work for us.


Really, how dare you presume to preach to us and peddle your poison in this forum.

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Aww, how sweet. Asshole joined up just to salavate my soul from the horrific misery of my gawdlessness. No, love, I don't think I'll be taking any more Jesus to alleviate my issues anymore, thank you very much.

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I urge you to find help from Jesus for depression, and not Christians or people, because only He is able to give us joy and peace by changing our inner-self.

Well, it's good to know that he considers the two groups to be mutually exclusive... :)

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