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Goodbye Jesus

I Have An Idea


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We've all seen these tracts in public bathrooms, bookstores, gas stations and pretty much everywhere. Well, my idea is to make my own and place them out in public. I don't have the technology to produce tracts on par with Chick Industries so i will type them up on paper. What i want to put on them is things like, "If god is good, think about the "lost" people in your family or that you knew who have passed away, burning in hell. Does that sound like a loving god?" Or, "God is good? Ask Jephthah's daughter what she thinks of that statement." Then i will list the verse that points out that attrocity right in their own bibles. Things like this. People could list things on here that they think would be good to say on them and so forth.


So what do you all think? Good idea or not?

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Someone has actually done this, actually! I remember seeing a link to their website a long time ago on this board.


Anybody got that link?

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Someone has actually done this, actually! I remember seeing a link to their website a long time ago on this board.


Anybody got that link?


Interested in seeing this.

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Check out Brother Jeff's various websites and projects. I think he did a parody of them at some point. He might carry links in his profile or signature. I'm not sure how helpful I'm being...

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From what I remember, it was enough to piss off Chick himself, who tried to sue them.

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We've all seen these tracts in public bathrooms, bookstores, gas stations and pretty much everywhere. Well, my idea is to make my own and place them out in public. I don't have the technology to produce tracts on par with Chick Industries so i will type them up on paper. What i want to put on them is things like, "If god is good, think about the "lost" people in your family or that you knew who have passed away, burning in hell. Does that sound like a loving god?" Or, "God is good? Ask Jephthah's daughter what she thinks of that statement." Then i will list the verse that points out that attrocity right in their own bibles. Things like this. People could list things on here that they think would be good to say on them and so forth.


So what do you all think? Good idea or not?


I've had some similar thoughts...like making some sort of flyer for instance on how the Eucharist is Cannibalism or something and going to my old Catholic church and taping them up in the bathroom stalls or slipping them into the bulletins or something.



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The Freedom from Religion Foundation has Nontracts - http://ffrf.org/shop/nontracts/


A million thank you's Max. :thanks:

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I'd love to write material for tracts like that and would jump at the chance. I wouldn't be able to do the cartoons though.


Brother Jeff does have some Chick Parodies on his site: http://refutingchristianity.com/


He's got me into them now and I've added some of my own and have more to add (written under the name of Rick P). Great fun.

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