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Goodbye Jesus

Wow, It's Been A Long Time.


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I thought I'd just give a heads up that I'm back after a long hiatus.


For those of you who might remember me, I'm the 14 year old atheist (going to be 15 in December), and for those who don't, my testimony is here.


The reason for my hiatus was because I returned to school late in August after a year of homeschooling. I'm a freshman in high school now, and have had to do a lot of adjusting, though there is happy news. I was reluctant to the say the least about outing myself as an atheist in such a conservative place, but now I'm out, proud, and not alone, with no adverse side effects as of yet! Hopefully it will stay that way. It has taken a lot of weight off my shoulders, and I've found that I actually enjoy school a lot more than I expected I would.


What else....I've been teaching myself Russian, just because it interests me - I've found that the alphabet is the easiest part, it's the grammar that's a pain in the ass.


Anyway, I'll shut up now, since I have a lot of catching up to do!

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Great to see you again. Thanks for the update. Glad you could out yourself with no negative side effects. All the best in your new school and with learning a new language. You'll never regret that. :3:

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Good to see you again, and I'm glad that so far, no-one has poured the verbal hydrochloric acid of holiness into your ears to punish you for your openness.

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Good to see you Comanche and you Loren as well. Good luck with your being out as an atheist.

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Happy to see you again. You always were one of the brightest young minds and I missed your input here.


Glad you're "out." Not surprised you found that you're not alone. When I went "public" it turns out I already knew some atheists who had just never admitted it until I did.


Keep us posted, and keep an eye out for the Russian speakers we have here.

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It's good to see you again, Commanche! I'm glad things went well with you coming out as an atheist and I hope things keep going like this! Good luck with your school work and studying Russian!

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'Doh-bray ootra', tavarish Comanche! Its good to see you back. I'm happy to see that things are going well for you.

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Heya Commanche!


Welcome back to the fray and forage here at ExC!!!



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Hey, Comanche!


Glad you've returned, bringing that bright spot to our forums again.

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'Doh-bray ootra',


Whoah... that sounds just like the Slovenian "dobro jutro."

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that sounds just like the Slovenian "dobro jutro."

Since we seem to be off on a tangent!...


'Doh-bray ootra' = Good morning. That's about all the Russian I know.


On the other hand, your phrase sounds a lot like 'good morning' in Romanian. Is it the same meaning?


And, thanks to Vigile, I've found out that his word means 'Molodetz' or 'Good job'. Gotta love this forum. :)

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Yeah, the Slavic languages are pretty similar. For instance, if a Slovenian person (former Yugoslavia/Balkans) found themselves in the Czech Republic, they would be able to understand Czech when it's spoken, though they may not be able to read it. It'd be kind of like an American going down to Jamaica. Although Romanian is a romantic language, but they're also considered kind of Balkan (kinda but not really)... hard to say.

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It's great to see all of you!


'Doh-bray ootra', tavarish Comanche! Its good to see you back. I'm happy to see that things are going well for you.


Добрый вечер, for me. XD


Yeah, the Slavic languages are pretty similar. For instance, if a Slovenian person (former Yugoslavia/Balkans) found themselves in the Czech Republic, they would be able to understand Czech when it's spoken, though they may not be able to read it. It'd be kind of like an American going down to Jamaica. Although Romanian is a romantic language, but they're also considered kind of Balkan (kinda but not really)... hard to say.


They might be able to understand it, but it's pretty damn challenging for me. I don't call languages hard, because that's just a matter of perception, but it is much more difficult to learn than French was. It's like wading through mud instead of water.

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