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Christian Attacking My Character


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Once again it's been a while since I have posted...I am on so many forums now I can't keep up with them all, so i visit them all in phases...wow how sad is that lol



anyway, i figured you were the right folks to ask this question.


I am a volunteer moderator for a blogging service called Entrecard (entrecard.com)...there is always some stupid junk going on over there and most of the time I am the most lenient of the mods, and I have customer service skills which the place really lacks....


The other day I was doing my rounds and I found a post on a blog called "Real Liberal Christian Church" that was essentially calling me out, saying that my blog (raginrev.com) should be removed from the religion/spirituality category and moved into it's own category (Atheism, or Anti-Religion is what he suggested). I clearly disagree as my blog is one of the most popular blogs on the service and is clearly about religion....so the change is unneccessary...I told him I didn't think he was right and I said that maybe they should have a Zealot category for people like him


that post is here: http://www.realliberalchristianchurch.org/...y-category.html


Let me go ahead and apologize for the...less than modern look of his page...and for the length of his posts, and for the fact that they are intelligible.


So after that he started posting other things:








Well, there are a lot of accusations in here, leveled against me...he calls me the devil, says im proseletyzing for homosexuality (im straight but i recently did a blog post about Gay Rights)....so since he was personally attacking a moderator (me) the team and I decided to just ban him from Entrecard all together...


he posted about that :










My question is this:


Given what he is doing, plus the...questionable nature of his "ministry"...would you have done the same thing?


What do you think i should do or should have done?


btw...if no one reads his whole posts i understand...they are...lengthy at best

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Once again it's been a while since I have posted...

Same here. (he said with a sheepish grin)



Didn't read all of his posts (most though) and I think what you did was fine.

Most people will see him for the part he's playing... the poor persecuted christian.


Hold the higher ground and if a reply becomes neccessary, point out the fallacies in his attacks on you.

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I'm not gonna read through all of those links. I don't need to in order to know that he's just a whiny Christian trying to sensor you because he's an insecure little bitch. Your blog is in the correct spot. When you go into a book store, do you just find positive, warm and fuzzy books, kissing every religion's ass? No, you find all sorts of books on both sides from people that believe or disbelieve in those religions. A "religious" section is simply a section for information relevant to religion; only a whiny bitch would claim that it's only for opinions or information that are not critical of other people's beliefs. That's a bunch of shit. Don't bother going back and forth with him too much. Don't legitimate his or anyone elses complaints in anyway. State you case and tell him that's that.

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I admit I didn't follow any of the links, but judging from what you said I'm willing to take the risk based on my experience. I'm sure that one is indeed just another sniveling jebus cultist playing the crap-smeared "persecution" card. :fdevil:

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I agree with the others--I don't even have to read the other posts to know that you were right and he was wrong. Now stop worrying about it and have a nice day, dammit! :lmao:

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I just listened to an interview Kevin Smith (writer/director) gave. In it he talked about how much in years past he would fight and argue and correct everyone that said anything he considered wrong on his site. he reveled in beating down the ignorant and stupid...even played cat and mouse with some to prove his superiority. Even if it meant making a 14 year old girl cry.


Now he realizes that he does not need to correct even the most obvious factual mistakes by others. If someone gets too jerky on the site, he nukes them, end of story. His self-esteem and worth does not come from the negative people who drop in and say stupid things. But it took him years to realize it.


You did the right thing. the poster got out of line, and with the consensus of the other mods, you nuked him for his actions. For that banned poster, he needs to learn that being banned does not make you a persecuted Christian....it makes you an asshole human.

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Nuking them's the way I go. Give them three warnings, public and/or private as the case warrants and if they don't comply, they're gone. The days are over when religion gets special favour for its own sake. That's my personal policy.


I think the fact that the other mods supported you says a lot, i.e. your behaviour must have been in line with the expectations and culture of the group. If you did something wrong, somebody would have told you. If you still feel doubtful about a specific action or post you made, you could ask another more experienced mod that you trust for feedback.

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I just listened to an interview Kevin Smith (writer/director) gave. In it he talked about how much in years past he would fight and argue and correct everyone that said anything he considered wrong on his site. he reveled in beating down the ignorant and stupid...even played cat and mouse with some to prove his superiority. Even if it meant making a 14 year old girl cry.


Now he realizes that he does not need to correct even the most obvious factual mistakes by others. If someone gets too jerky on the site, he nukes them, end of story. His self-esteem and worth does not come from the negative people who drop in and say stupid things. But it took him years to realize it.

I am slowly getting there too... getting tired of even trying to explain every simple concepts to the mind-fucked-religious-people. :)

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A quick skim of his posts (I'm not going to read all that blather either) suggests he's a whiny, self-absorbed attention whore out to play the Christian persecution card.


If you're a mod anywhere, you can ban whoever you feel like for whatever reason you want. If he was talking shit about you elsewhere and the rest of the mod team agreed to nuke him, sounds just fine to me - people like that can really create major drama on a site if you don't get rid of them. He doesn't like it? Tough shit for him.


I'd probably just ignore him from here on out. He's just trying to puff himself up and get your attention. He isn't worth your time.


Incidentally, I've been trying to publicize my blog more; how is Entrecard as a service overall? If you get a moment I'd love a PM about it.


Good luck, and don't let the bastards get you down.

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I would either ban him or ignore him. IMO those types of people are not worth the time to argue with, nothing you say or do will be able to prove them wrong because they think they're right.

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