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A Princeton Lecture Series On A Quantum Free Will Theory


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The presenter does a very poor job in the first lecture, but bear with it. The series gets very interesting in a plausible attempt to show that quantum particles have free will in the sense that some of their behaviors are not determined by past states. I'm not sure I understand how, but this shows that we have free will in that choices are not determined by or strictly determined by past states.


It's fascinating, but I'm kind of lost, but you may not be.



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The presenter does a very poor job in the first lecture, but bear with it. The series gets very interesting in a plausible attempt to show that quantum particles have free will in the sense that some of their behaviors are not determined by past states. I'm not sure I understand how, but this shows that we have free will in that choices are not determined by or strictly determined by past states.


It's fascinating, but I'm kind of lost, but you may not be.




Weeee! Looks great. I will probably understand hardly any of it, but will definitely make sure to watch it.

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