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I'm not sure whether you took the time to read my post above LoT but I would implore you to read it.


I did read it, it was very interesting.


The question you should ask yourself is - what if this "glorious paradise" is nothing but a lie? You're staking a lot on that question and it's a question that you should seriously investigate.


Pascals Wager in reverse?

Because if you're wrong... think about the consequences. You deprecate this life, you call it a "blink of an eye" and a "pinprick of pain", but if this life is all we have then it is infinitely precious! It is temporary and therefore incredibly valuable! And if there is no paradise to look forward to, if we cease to exist completely when our bodies die, then what a terrible terrible thing to waste this life by looking to the future.


I do nothing of the sort. This time here is spent learning and enjoying what we have been given by God. I look forward to the future, but I don't focus on it. I do what I am commanded to do, which is to live.



Many people in here can be quite blunt and even rude to Christians like yourself.  Please don't let their attitudes dissuade you from searching for the truth.


Oh, I'm not worried about attitudes and rudeness. I'm made of strong stuff and can take hits.

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On the same note, you can't say that every knee shall bow until it happens.


Yes, that is quite true. I take it on faith because I feel the light of God on me and I trust Him.

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Of course I believe it is true.

Then why was my post so difficult for you to comprehend? Are you dyslexic perhaps?


Nonetheless, i'll try to dumb it down for you a bit out of respect for your disability. What I was attempting to point out was the absurdity in your claim that "everything god does is loving" when the Bible claims that your god killed everyone in a flood. How exactly is that "loving"?

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Thank God you're not an ExC'er. You had me worried for a minute. :phew:


So, if you're not sniffin' glue, just what is your reason for being here?

To do as I am commanded, to spread the Word.
So, you decided to take the easy way out in being an adherent to that religion.


I understand.


"Spreading the Word" gives you an opportunity to get out there and repeat words from an ancient book instead of actually doing all that it says.


.... or better.


I understand.

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And if you were commanded to spread your cheeks?


Well, then I guess you'd see my pooper...that is, if you looked, pervert.

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Yes, that is quite true.  I take it on faith because I feel the light of God on me and I trust Him.
Then are you taking it on faith that God won't send anyone to hell, or that he won't send anyone to hell until it happens?



How does the light of God feel? Is it like little lasers, or a tanning booth?

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Pascals Wager in reverse?

Not at all, I'm simply pointing out that your claim of an eternal life after death has some pretty high stakes. I'm saying that you should therefore be pretty damn sure of the position you've taken, because believing in such an eternal life after death has a tendency to make one devalue this life.


I do nothing of the sort.  This time here is spent learning and enjoying what we have been given by God.  I look forward to the future, but I don't focus on it.  I do what I am commanded to do, which is to live.

This is my point. What if your God doesn't actually exist? If so then all that time spent learning about God and preaching about God and reading the bible and praying and listening to sermons and reading christian literature would be a huge waste. IF. What I'm trying to do is get you to realise what's at stake. The question is important. Make sure you get both sides of the story before you pitch your tent in one of the camps. And don't close your mind to the possibility that you might be wrong. I certainly don't - if someone were able to prove to me using a logical consistent argument that God exists then I would have no choice but to change my beliefs.

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But how are we to have any knowledge of your God if not for the bible?


The universe and everything it contains... or "Creation" as you call it has rational explanations for its origin. I certainly see no evidence for a creator when I look at the universe, but rather the outcome of a set of well-defined, logically consistent rules. Rules like gravity, or natural selection.


And that certainly is fine with me. It is rather consistent and well-defined, amazing in a way that I feel it is evidence for God. The Bible also says that the heavens scream out His name.


Your argument is circular. The bible is a work of men that describes God.


And God created men, and men created the bible.

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Then why was my post so difficult for you to comprehend?  Are you dyslexic perhaps?


Nonetheless, i'll try to dumb it down for you a bit out of respect for your disability.  What I was attempting to point out was the absurdity in your claim that "everything god does is loving" when the Bible claims that your god killed everyone in a flood.  How exactly is that "loving"?



Why is my post so difficult for you to comprehend? If the flood did not happen, then God did not kill everyone in it.

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Well, then I guess you'd see my pooper...that is, if you looked, pervert.

I wouldn't uncover your nakedness..butt God has commanded sicker things that I doubt you obey with all your being. When was the last time you gave a burnt offering?

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Well, then I guess you'd see my pooper...that is, if you looked, pervert.
Why would it make him a pervert if he looked at your butt?
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Then are you taking it on faith that God won't send anyone to hell, or that he won't send anyone to hell until it happens?

How does the light of God feel? Is it like little lasers, or a tanning booth?



Yes, I am taking it on faith that God will not send anyone to hell who has not made a knowledgeable choice.


The light of God is an inner light. It makes me happy and content.

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Yes, I am taking it on faith that God will not send anyone to hell who has not made a knowledgeable choice.


The light of God is an inner light.  It makes me happy and content.

That could be a chemical reaction of your mind...were you thinking happy thoughts at the time?

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Why would it make him a pervert if he looked at your butt?


Yeah, how do you know Clergycide isn't a proctologist?


What is pervy about butts anyway?


I have a perfectly cute butt.

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Not at all, I'm simply pointing out that your claim of an eternal life after death has some pretty high stakes. I'm saying that you should therefore be pretty damn sure of the position you've taken, because believing in such an eternal life after death has a tendency to make one devalue this life.


I haven't devalued my life, or anyones life. I appreciate all of God's Creation.


This is my point. What if your God doesn't actually exist? If so then all that time spent learning about God and preaching about God and reading the bible and praying and listening to sermons and reading christian literature would be a huge waste. IF. What I'm trying to do is get you to realise what's at stake. The question is important. Make sure you get both sides of the story before you pitch your tent in one of the camps. And don't close your mind to the possibility that you might be wrong. I certainly don't - if someone were able to prove to me using a logical consistent argument that God exists then I would have no choice but to change my beliefs.


It's not learning just about God, funkenstein. It's learning about everything in this universe....we can only learn a little about God, he is too great for us to fully comprehend.


It is not a waste to do that which I enjoy doing. You dont' think it's a waste that you will go nowhere when you die except into the ground or scattered into the wind? We have been given this life, we should do with it what makes us happy (within the bounds of morality of course).

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Why is my post so difficult for you to comprehend?  If the flood did not happen, then God did not kill everyone in it.

Uhhh, hello!??? If you believe the Bible is true then you believe the flood happened, right?? Or do you just randomly pick and choose what you believe is literal vs. allegory or metaphorical? No wonder nobody can understand you, your beliefs are not consistent.

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Uhhh, hello!???  If you believe the Bible is true then you believe the flood happened, right??  Are do you just randomly pick and choose what you believe is literal vs. allegory or metaphorical?  No wonder nobody can understand you, your beliefs are not consistent.


I interpret the bible the way I feel it should be interpreted. I believe the Bible is true, but not all of it is literally true. Part of learning things is to see if they are consistent with reality. Since the Flood did not happen, and is not evidenced in any way on Earth, then we must take it on faith that it is an allegory.

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And that certainly is fine with me.  It is rather consistent and well-defined, amazing in a way that I feel it is evidence for God.  The Bible also says that the heavens scream out His name.

How do you feel that because the universe has laws that bind it together that this is evidence of a supernatural entity?

And God created men, and men created the bible.

You have neatly summarised the essence of a circular argument, yes. Your bible claims that God created man, and that man wrote the bible inspired by God. Essentially the bible says that it was written by God itself, but provides no evidence either for the existence of God (it claims that God's existence is self-evident when it is patently not so) nor for the claim that any divine being had any hand in its writing.


And as regards my earlier point, Christianity definitely has a tendency to deprecate this life. One has only to look at the attitude of Paul in Phillipians chapter 1:

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far
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Uhhh, hello!???  If you believe the Bible is true then you believe the flood happened, right??   Are do you just randomly pick and choose what you believe is literal vs. allegory or metaphorical?  No wonder nobody can understand you, your beliefs are not consistent.



I interpret the bible the way I feel it should be interpreted. I believe the Bible is true, but not all of it is literally true. Part of learning things is to see if they are consistent with reality. Since the Flood did not happen, and is not evidenced in any way on Earth, then we must take it on faith that it is an allegory.


Funny isn't it? Science has become advanced enough to prove no windows in the sky, and no way for people to survive air that concentrated with water vapor....and so that bible story becomes "conveniently" switched from hard christian fact to....."oh its a fable, a morality tale....."


I wonder which book or bible story will fall in the next 25 years?

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I interpret the bible the way I feel it should be interpreted.  I believe the Bible is true, but not all of it is literally true.  Part of learning things is to see if they are consistent with reality.  Since the Flood did not happen, and is not evidenced in any way on Earth, then we must take it on faith that it is an allegory.

Actually there is evidence that a fairly major flood event did happen due to a cometary impact around 3270BC (I think). There's a book called Uriel's Machine that goes into some detail regarding this. Some of that evidence is the plethora of flood myths throught a variety of diverse cultures. This points to the possibility of a real flood event, though there are natural causes for this.

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How do you feel that because the universe has laws that bind it together that this is evidence of a supernatural entity?


It's an appeal to incredulity, dr_funkenstein. I find the universe to be so beautiful and well thought-out...like an amazing story, or a painting. This is what tells me that it is created by God.


You have neatly summarised the essence of a circular argument, yes. Your bible claims that God created man, and that man wrote the bible inspired by God. Essentially the bible says that it was written by God itself, but provides no evidence either for the existence of God (it claims that God's existence is self-evident when it is patently not so) nor for the claim that any divine being had any hand in its writing.


That is why God will reveal himself to everyone when he chooses to do so.


And as regards my earlier point, Christianity definitely has a tendency to deprecate this life.  One has only to look at the attitude of Paul in Phillipians chapter 1:


That is the attitude of a single person. Not everyone appreciates life, Christian and Non-Christian alike.

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Actually there is evidence that a fairly major flood event did happen due to a cometary impact around 3270BC (I think). There's a book called Uriel's Machine that goes into some detail regarding this. Some of that evidence is the plethora of flood myths throught a variety of diverse cultures. This points to the possibility of a real flood event, though there are natural causes for this.


A major flood, not a world-wide flood. It is interesting how stories in real life tend to get exagerrated as they are told, until they become a lesson for later generations.

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