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Goodbye Jesus

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Bible study is what did me in. When I started objectively looking at the contradictions, historical and scientific inaccuracies, bogus prophecies, and illogical statements contained in the Bible, I realized it had to have been written by men and not a god. Once that happened, I started looking for any evidence for a god, and found none.


When the priest puts on an act like a clown in church, I know I am done. Yes, there was literally a "clown liturgy" at one point in the Episcopal Church I was attending. It epitomized the farcical nature of this hollow religion that purports to have the truth.


There was a local church (I'm in Florida, too - wonder if it's popular down here) that advertised "Clown-led worship." Pretty much sums it up.



Franciscan Monkey

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One really big thing that finally shook me free and made me own up to all the doubts I'd been fighting was meeting a woman at my workplace. Our sense of humor was a lot alike and we had similar dispositions - I could see potential for a really harmonious relationship with this woman, but I was a fundamentalist Christian and she was a pagan in the classical sense - she spoke of 'goddess' rather than 'god.' Of course relationship was out of the question - 'unequally yoked' and not having fellowship with darkness and all that, and it suddenly seemed very petty to me that an omnipotent deity would seriously care whether or not we chose to live out our one and only life with someone who we could love and who would love us simply because they held a different spirituality than I did - that such a deity would rather have us forgo happiness when it was available.

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There was a local church (I'm in Florida, too - wonder if it's popular down here) that advertised "Clown-led worship." Pretty much sums it up.



Franciscan Monkey


Wow, Franciscan, maybe it is unique to Florida. I thought no one else would have heard of this travesty.


If its all just a BIG JOKE, like a clown act (which actually it is) just go home. There is better entertainment on TV.

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Bible study is what did me in. When I started objectively looking at the contradictions, historical and scientific inaccuracies, bogus prophecies, and illogical statements contained in the Bible, I realized it had to have been written by men and not a god. Once that happened, I started looking for any evidence for a god, and found none.


That's very much like my experience.


In studying the Bible, the irreconcilable contradictions in the Gospels made me realize that the Bible is not inerrant. Then realizing that New Testament claims of fulfilled prophecies were fabricated by taking Old Testament passages completely out of context (sometimes rewording them as the NT saw fit) made me realize that the whole thing was just made up. That destroyed the foundation of belief that I had, and from then on out when I read that Bible with objective eyes I see so many other problems that I should have picked up on earlier (absurdities, advocated cruelties, etc).

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