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Goodbye Jesus

When Is It Brainwashing?


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I just paid a visit to my daughter and my grandkids for Thanksgiving. (I wrote this a while back) She (my oldest daughter) is a single mother, with four kids. Doesn’t have an easy road definitely. I think she’s a marginal Christian, but she tries to take her kids to church, and I guess tries to make sense of things, though she confides in me sometimes, telling me she hasn’t really made any sense of the way Christianity is explained to her. I’m no help of course, coz neither have I. I gave up long ago, in that respect. Anyway, my grandkids have these videos called “Veggie Tales”. They drive me up the wall. I don’t like listening to them, and I feel, in a sneaky way, their creators are indoctrinating small children. They would try to tell you, “we’re just trying to instill good values in ours’, and other’s, children.” The videos speak about sharing, being appreciative, being truthful, etc. All fine and good, you say? Yes, surely there’s no harm in that. But I think thru entertainment just like that, religion tries to gain a toehold in the minds of ones not old enough to think on their own, make them feel like they belong to a group, so they’ll find it hard to think on their own. Then, not too long later, Voila!, the trap is sprung! It’s too late. Another group of little ones who aren’t so little any more, couldn’t think for themselves even if they really wanted to! What do y’all think?



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I don't know about veggie tales but as long as a charismatic figure or fear or dependency isn't introduced into the learning process then it's usually benign. Shit like Vacation Bible School or Bible Man or anything else religion uses to veil itself behind that tots are attracted to is brainwashing. It seeks to create a sense of normalcy with religious based association. And yes at some point the trap is sprung and the child views alternative practices as a threat. Though I believe the "trap" is just the point at which the child achieves critical mass in the indoctrination process. It varies of course, from child to child, as to when they become assimilated.

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