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Goodbye Jesus

Dashing Infants Against Rocks

Brother Jeff

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I sometimes enjoy reading Christian apologetics and get a laugh out of the amount of hoop-jumping they do in an effort to deal with "Bible difficulties" in a futile effort to make their extremely errant and fallible Book of Myths into the "inerrant, infallible Word of God". They may convince themselves because they want to believe and fear going to hell if they don't, but I don't find their arguments impressive at all. Check this out:




From the article linked above:


The primary issue here is, “What does one do with the statements in the Bible that seem to be out of character with the overall message of Scripture!” Some would rush to the conclusion that statements about “dashing children against rocks” are adequate proof that not all of the Bible is reliable. It usually is not wise to rush too fast to any conclusion, and especially if that conclusion would cast a shadow of doubt on the infallibility of God’s Word. Here is where listening to a careful Bible interpreter, can be of help to give a proper understanding of some of the difficult passages. That is the intent of the article in the current issue of the WITNESS.


Good Lard, no, we can't have that! We need a "proper understanding", which we can have if we just listen to and blindly believe the men of God who will explain "difficulties" away for us.


What is crystal clear, however, is that New Testament Christians are called to a higher ethic. This passage in Psalms (Psalm 137:9) belongs to the period that Jesus referred to as, “it hath been said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But Jesus went beyond that kind of action in His New Testament revelation. He declared, “But say unto you, love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.” We recognize that the Old Testament does contain a lot of violence and warmaking, and the description of it is an accurate part of God’s written Word. What is crucial however is that we do not bypass what Jesus taught in the fuller and more complete revelation of the New Testament. We are Sermon-on-the-Mount” Christians.


He conveniently forgot to mention Matthew 5:18 where Jesus says, "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."


So much for the OT not being the "Word of God" for today's Christians.


Some explain the seeming contradiction as expounded in an editorial in THE HERALD, the Northern Ohio Church of the Brethren District newsletter. The editorial says, “The Hebrews felt that God called them to kill everybody … but Jesus said, ‘You have heard of old an eye for an eye, but I say unto you.’ If we wish to know the real desires of God, we look to Christ. Either God has changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament, or else man’s concept of what God is trying to say has changed.” The editor (September, 1977) then goes on to say that he believes that man’s concept of what God is trying to say has changed, because God himself is changeless.


God can't change, so we are at fault because our concept of him has changed... :rolleyes: And there's that "Matthew 5:18" thing again...





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I sometimes enjoy reading Christian apologetics and get a laugh out of the amount of hoop-jumping they do in an effort to deal with "Bible difficulties" in a futile effort to make their extremely errant and fallible Book of Myths into the "inerrant, infallible Word of God". They may convince themselves because they want to believe and fear going to hell if they don't, but I don't find their arguments impressive at all. Check this out:




From the article linked above:


The primary issue here is, “What does one do with the statements in the Bible that seem to be out of character with the overall message of Scripture!” Some would rush to the conclusion that statements about “dashing children against rocks” are adequate proof that not all of the Bible is reliable. It usually is not wise to rush too fast to any conclusion, and especially if that conclusion would cast a shadow of doubt on the infallibility of God’s Word. Here is where listening to a careful Bible interpreter, can be of help to give a proper understanding of some of the difficult passages. That is the intent of the article in the current issue of the WITNESS.


Good Lard, no, we can't have that! We need a "proper understanding", which we can have if we just listen to and blindly believe the men of God who will explain "difficulties" away for us.


What is crystal clear, however, is that New Testament Christians are called to a higher ethic. This passage in Psalms (Psalm 137:9) belongs to the period that Jesus referred to as, “it hath been said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But Jesus went beyond that kind of action in His New Testament revelation. He declared, “But say unto you, love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.” We recognize that the Old Testament does contain a lot of violence and warmaking, and the description of it is an accurate part of God’s written Word. What is crucial however is that we do not bypass what Jesus taught in the fuller and more complete revelation of the New Testament. We are Sermon-on-the-Mount” Christians.


He conveniently forgot to mention Matthew 5:18 where Jesus says, "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."


So much for the OT not being the "Word of God" for today's Christians.


Some explain the seeming contradiction as expounded in an editorial in THE HERALD, the Northern Ohio Church of the Brethren District newsletter. The editorial says, “The Hebrews felt that God called them to kill everybody … but Jesus said, ‘You have heard of old an eye for an eye, but I say unto you.’ If we wish to know the real desires of God, we look to Christ. Either God has changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament, or else man’s concept of what God is trying to say has changed.” The editor (September, 1977) then goes on to say that he believes that man’s concept of what God is trying to say has changed, because God himself is changeless.


God can't change, so we are at fault because our concept of him has changed... :rolleyes: And there's that "Matthew 5:18" thing again...






Excellent points as usual Brother! :woohoo: Thank you.

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Very astute, Bother Jeff. You just can't make a harmonious, consistent theology or doctrine of the bible.


The reason there are apparent contradictions and inconsistencies in the bible is because it comes from A.) The imaginations of human beings from different places and eras and B.) The writers had differing views of god. There's just no way to make it all jive.


The apologists' attempts to make it do so result in much comedy. Dark comedy, but comedy nonetheless.

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You cannot sugarcoat a turd.

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You cannot sugarcoat a turd.


Well, you can, but it would still taste nasty. FrogsToadBigGrin.gif

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Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! ... Singsongs 34:8


I suppose there is some merit is the sugar coating?



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You cannot sugarcoat a turd.


You can polish a turd, make it leather bound, make it say 'God loves you', and convince yourself it doesn't condone rape and murder.. but it's still a turd.

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You cannot sugarcoat a turd.


You can polish a turd, make it leather bound, make it say 'God loves you', and convince yourself it doesn't condone rape and murder.. but it's still a turd.


How DARE you say that about the Word of God! Jesus is gonna fuck you up! :eek:


O, wait... :HaHa:



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You cannot sugarcoat a turd.


You can polish a turd, make it leather bound, make it say 'God loves you', and convince yourself it doesn't condone rape and murder.. but it's still a turd.


How DARE you say that about the Word of God! Jesus is gonna fuck you up! :eek:


O, wait... :HaHa:



Actually Jesus is a pacifist, he just likes to talk big about carrying swords. Not too many people know this, but Jesus was gay. He got those hunky fishermen to hang out and lie around together with. No women in Jesus' inner circle, just 12 dudes. They took the obviously gay parts out of the bible, which is how the whole fucked up mess started.

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Hanging out with 12 dudes

Hanging out with whores

Forgiving adulteresses


So many mixed messages, no wonder the woo woos are soo confucktulated :shrug:

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Actually Jesus is a pacifist, he just likes to talk big about carrying swords. Not too many people know this, but Jesus was gay. He got those hunky fishermen to hang out and lie around together with. No women in Jesus' inner circle, just 12 dudes. They took the obviously gay parts out of the bible, which is how the whole fucked up mess started.


This is what the last supper really looked like!



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This is what the last supper really looked like!


:) Jesus as a gay black man! Them's fightin' words down here in the bible belt.


There's a major part missing in the bible about the hot relationship between Jesus and John, the disciple Jesus loved. They're never going to let that secret get out.

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