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why does it seem that I am having so much trouble letting go of the fear of hell.


I really need to start to be able to function again. it still seems so hard to get out of this, im on meds now and that

seems to help some along with the therapy...


any advice on overcoming this, i just want to move on so badly...

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I found this doco very helpful: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/why-i-am-no-longer-a-christian/


For me, understanding how everything worked and really getting my head around it all freed me from the guilt and fear I'd felt for so long. Everything just all came together in one big bang :)

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Hell was never a very logical idea in Christianity. The Jews certainly don't believe in it. From a biblical perspective, It was certainly never a focus of Jesus' ministry (he barely talked about it). The idea that an all-loving god and even a just god would punish people ETERNALLY with torture and torment is simply ridiculous- especially the sick and twisted belief that even those who never heard the name of Jesus (and thus never accepted him) are going to hell (thus the impetus for the great commission). If the ignorant are not really damned, there is no need to go preach to them.


Jesus often talks about how much better his heavenly father is than our earthly fathers, yet I don't know of a single parent who would wish their child to be punished ETERNALLY, no matter their trespasses. A serial killer's parents might agree that the death penalty is a suitable punishment for their child, but even in their humanity they would not want him to suffer forever. Yet most of humanity are certainly not even bad people, yet god lacks even the basic human compassion that an earthly parent possesses.


This is because this god is not a god. He is a human construct, as is hell. Hell is not logical or reasonable in ANY way. It was created by sick men who sought vengeance against their enemies. Period. If you're not with us, you're against us, and we're going to create the ultimate punishment for not being with us. People like the idea of judgment and punishment for evil-doers, this is why people accept the concept of hell. But when you think about what hell really is, it simply makes no sense logically. It is so extreme and so inconsistent with the "character of god" in the New Testament (However one could make a case for the Old Testament god! Yet the Jews think the idea of hell is ridiculous).


Think about it this way. If the Bible had not told you so, could you imagine following a god who claimed to be the definition of love, yet created hell (or for that matter commanded genocide, rape, and slavery?). This is god is either 1) a liar and not loving or 2) not a god. By any standards of decency he is not worth following or believing in. This story of hell is manipulation to scare children...don't let some human asshole who lived thousands of years ago and hated everyone who disagreed with him control you with his twisted idea.

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why does it seem that I am having so much trouble letting go of the fear of hell.


I really need to start to be able to function again. it still seems so hard to get out of this, im on meds now and that

seems to help some along with the therapy...


any advice on overcoming this, i just want to move on so badly...


I don't know where you stand on Christianity. If it is something you want to keep then I don't want to step on your religious beliefs. If you are already an ex-Christian or you want to become an ex-Christian then maybe you can get over the fear of hell the way I did by looking at the foundation of the Bible and Christian theology. Let me know.




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Well I guess I did it backwards.


As a Christian I put away the hell doctrine quickly.


The other options are Annihilation, and universal salvation.


I believed in Annihilation for a decade or so.


Then I became a universalist. I believed that for several years before I deconverted from Christianity altogether.


I have a friend and work that is always talking about me going to hell because I am not a Christian. I told him he was delusional just today.


Christianity was formed from an archaic Jewish religion. They believed that they could kill animals in order to better their standing with God. That is how Jesus became "the lamb" in Christianity.


God does not need to kill in order to have a relationship with mankind and there is no way that a God who is love could torture anyone for any period of time.


Humanity is more loving then that version of God. Humanity uses discipline to help a child have a better life. If there is a God, and this God is a lot like us, then that God would have mercy, and want the best for you no matter where you are in life.


My rant.......thanks for sharing. I quite enjoy showing the fallacy of the hell doctrine.


My wife is fond of saying that "if Christians say it, it is the opposite".

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God does not need to kill in order to have a relationship with mankind and there is no way that a God who is love could torture anyone for any period of time.


Humanity is more loving then that version of God. Humanity uses discipline to help a child have a better life. If there is a God, and this God is a lot like us, then that God would have mercy, and want the best for you no matter where you are in life.

For sure.


Even Jesus said, "if you [believers], being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much MORE will your father which is in heaven give good gifts to those who ask of him." I treat the children of total strangers, much less my own children, better than some people think God treats his children just for disagreeing with him.

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why does it seem that I am having so much trouble letting go of the fear of hell.

any advice on overcoming this, i just want to move on so badly...

Hey Rocklobster,


Fear of hell was my initial hangup as I found myself sliding into atheism (against my will). This fear kept me in Christianity for some time beyond when other components had already fallen apart for me. I would suggest (secular) counseling to help you undo this fear pattern. Or, at some point, you're just going to have to make a decision about what you are going to believe, and then go with what you have decided. It is impossible to discern truth (or Truth) because everyone's got a different take on it. Choose the best option and move on.


All the best with that. Fire insurance is hard to let go of!



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