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Medication Whinge


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I'm on a handful of different medications, thanks to mental health issues and chronic pain.


Sometimes, I space on calling in refills, and end up going a day or four without this or that medication. In fact, I just dealt with this exact... problem... this week.


So it turns out that going off my antidepressant causes some, umm, how do I say this tactfully? Extremely unpleasant digestive effects. Digestive effects that are often rather... sudden and violent.


In between dealing with potty emergencies, waves of nausea (not helped at all by aforementioned explosive excreta) and one change of shorts due to a near-miss, I was curled around the commode wondering which end would blow next.


Yeah, real pleasant.


But when I'm ON the medication, there are other issues, like sexual function, that are just as bad. (Yes, I am a sexual being. Being disabled doesn't change that -- it just means I have to get creative sometimes.)


And that got me thinking.


Why can't I have meds that work WITHOUT having nasty trade-offs like this?


The bigger question is, well, I've been on this particular antidepressant since my mid-teens. In the time between then and now, we've developed new antidepressants. WHY CAN'T WE TRY A DIFFERENT MEDICATION?!


I mean, worst-case-scenario, new medication doesn't work, oh well, we put me back on the one I'm on now, right?


But the only answer I get is, "Well, you're stable on THIS medication, so we don't see a reason to change it."


Great, BUT I WANT MORE THAN "BEING STABLE"! I'd kinda like to have an emotional range greater than "don't care" and "oh, that's nice."



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It is your right to talk openly to your doctor about this.............go for it and see if you can't find something with lesser side effects.

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I'm on Luvox (generic name: fluvoxamine).


I just changed doctors, so I'll try to nudge her in the direction of changing meds next time I'm in.

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Guest Valk0010

I'm on Luvox (generic name: fluvoxamine).


I just changed doctors, so I'll try to nudge her in the direction of changing meds next time I'm in.

That is wierd, that is a medication primarily used, to treat OCD and anxiety. I am not a doctor, just someone that was once on it.
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I'm no doc either, but I'm also tired of being dependant on pharmaceuticals... But they are legal and I'm tired of lining the pockets of Big Pharma.

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Guest Valk0010

Also as far as I am aware by most doctor's standards this medicine would not be working because its causing so much side effects.

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Yeah, the OCD and anxiety are "features" of the depression.


The digestive issues are when I don't take it -- a lot of times my anxiety can trigger (or worsen) bouts of explosive diarrhea and/or projectile vomiting. Which doesn't help the anxiety, because I hate puking. I mean, I really HATE puking. I'm 30, and I still end up crying when I puke.


I just wanna feel something other than "meh."

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Guest Valk0010

I have only been on three different antidepressants, four counting the luvox, the best one I have ever used was paxil. But then again I also have to take lithium for mood swings, so that might not be more the a self countradictory statement. Honestly the luvox isn't working for you if your feeling like a zombie, and that usually means either the dose is too high or its the wrong medication.

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Quite a lot of the anti depressants will cause diarrhea. Examples are Efexor, escitalopram and others related to them.


Serotonin has actions in the gut.


My GP made the comment that of all the sorts of medications, the anti depressants have the most individual array of side effects ie doctors have a lot of trouble predicting which side effects any particular person will be affected by.


But most doctors are willing to switch you around between a few different medications to see which one works best.


Are there issues re which one costs most and insurance and stuff in the US? In Australia, cost can play a part, but the doctor can sign off on the fact that you need to have an expensive one because you can't take the others for some reason. Our scripts cost $34.90 each if the medication is newish to the market (ie still under patent).

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I feel your pain, Kitty. I get the runs on a regular basis, but it has nothing to do with taking or not taking my meds- it's a stress reaction for me. And for some reason, it's almost like my bowels love public toilets or something- whenever I go out shopping or for lunch, I guarantee there will be a point when I have to make the dash to the nearest loo. It is NOT cool!


On the subject of your meds, I'd recommend getting a second opinion if you feel as though your own doctor is not listening to you. Either that or demand your doctor hear you, because ultimately, if you aren't happy taking a medication, you're more likely to cease taking it, which, if you need medication, is far more harmful.


Best of luck with it :)


P.S.- I cry when I puke, too, and I'm 26. I've always cried when I puke. I hate it.

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I used to be on lexapro, I don't remember any side effects that were that bad. I would definatley say that its not working if it makes your life more difficult.

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