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More Resources--Truth Or Myth


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I could not find a thread like this so I thought I would start one.


Are there resources outside of ex-christian.net that you have questions about? Is there a link you would like to share?


For example. I found http://jesusneverexisted.com/ and it looks like a very helpful site. So my question is, although the site seems credible, is anyone here able to validate that the site is factual? Or is this person just connecting dots at random.


Post your links in this thread and please say "Truth" or "Myth" about it.

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London! Good idea!! I found this little gem the other night. I really enjoy their site. Don't know if it's valid or not, but they don't seem to like the bible!!



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London! Good idea!! I found this little gem the other night. I really enjoy their site. Don't know if it's valid or not, but they don't seem to like the bible!!



Very nice Margee. Looks legit to me. Love the way he uses sections in a bible verse way "2:5 Contradictions", great design.

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the Truth Saves one looked good and the section on apologists was intriguing but unfortunately there wasn't a lot of information there. plus i'm instantly put off by websites with spelling/grammar mistakes everywhere.

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