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Goodbye Jesus

I Was Mighty Pentecostal And Outcast.


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Anybody who hasn't been to cygnus-study.net should go there because there is excellent information on both sides, and you will be able to make a more informed decision against Christianity or else be converted if that is possible. This is basically all I'm going to say for now, except that by the way the pandigital is great for multitasking. Also ask Cygnus about the archives.

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Ex-Christian.net. EX-Christian. There's a reason it's called that. If I was interested in becoming an xtian, I'd be reading the bible I have, going to church, and attending a bible study, as well as going to online forums. But why am I not? Because it's ALL a bunch of bullshit, to quote an ex of mine, and I'm happier without the bullshit in my life.


P.S.- I've done my research. I'm getting on with living my atheist life.

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Ex-Christian.net. EX-Christian. There's a reason it's called that. If I was interested in becoming an xtian, I'd be reading the bible I have, going to church, and attending a bible study, as well as going to online forums. But why am I not? Because it's ALL a bunch of bullshit, to quote an ex of mine, and I'm happier without the bullshit in my life.


P.S.- I've done my research. I'm getting on with living my atheist life.


I heartily concur!!!!

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Been there. Done that. Moved on. Buh-bye.

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Oh puh-leeze. We've already done the research. That's why we are EX-christians.

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If you're truly interested in informed decisions, take a look around this site here.


This is not a viable mission field.

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Anybody who hasn't been to cygnus-study.net should go there because there is excellent information on both sides, and you will be able to make a more informed decision against Christianity or else be converted if that is possible. This is basically all I'm going to say for now, except that by the way the pandigital is great for multitasking. Also ask Cygnus about the archives.


More informed? More informed than what?

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I'm a lowly atheist and I fit right in here. You should try it.

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What is this, advertising for that website?

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Believer, why do you think that ex-Christians haven't done research on our decisions? Given the stakes, it'd be ridiculous to think that any Christian would willingly leave the faith over anything but the most rigorous research.

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Been there. Done that. Moved on. Buh-bye.



Got the T-shirt. It was cheap material and fell apart after one wash.

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I couldn't find a .net, but there was a .com that had one pseudo-christian article then a series of articles on subjects that are the hot search engine traps right now. (Unfortunately, my current job deals with those kinds of websites.) The articles there read like the typical English-as-a-second-language, cheap, out-sourced trash articles you find on ad sites.


There is a tripod site with the title "Cygnus' Study: Debunking the Bible" that is supposedly (or jokingly?) maintained by a certified reverend. It seems genuinely anti-bible, but it hasn't been updated in over 14 years.

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Anybody who hasn't been to cygnus-study.net should go there because there is excellent information on both sides, and you will be able to make a more informed decision against Christianity or else be converted if that is possible. This is basically all I'm going to say for now, except that by the way the pandigital is great for multitasking. Also ask Cygnus about the archives.


It doesn't seem to exist. Google thinks you meant cygnus-study (dot) com.


Christianity is without objective evidence. It's a house of cards built upon a foundation of the Bible. Too bad it turns out that the Bible is the word of men who sometimes didn't agree with each other and usually didn't know what they were talking about.

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It's too late for all of us here...we've rejected and blasphemed the holy spirit.....please continue to pray for us that the burning in hell will be tolerable.

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I guess my "truth"-filter is working Believer cause the url you posted cannot be found. Or should I not take it literally and follow the suggestions that were made? Twisting and turning to find your 'truth'. Sounds about right.

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Anybody who hasn't been to cygnus-study.net should go there because there is excellent information on both sides, and you will be able to make a more informed decision against Christianity or else be converted if that is possible. This is basically all I'm going to say for now, except that by the way the pandigital is great for multitasking. Also ask Cygnus about the archives.


More informed? More informed than what?


Exactly what I was thinking. Actually, this site, ironically, is one of the most comprehensive wealth's of information on the Bible I've ever seen. There are tons of scholars, ex-seminary, ex-priests, ex-dedicated here that can give you good, solid information on any Bible question you might have.


More information is the LAST thing Christianity needs. The more information you get on it, the more likely you are to drop from it.

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Believer, I think *you* should read the Poetic Edda. That way, you will be able to make a more informed decision about the Æsir and Vanir, and if they deem you worthy to sweep their mead-halls they might save a spot for you at the feast.

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Believer, I think *you* should read the Poetic Edda. That way, you will be able to make a more informed decision about the Æsir and Vanir, and if they deem you worthy to sweep their mead-halls they might save a spot for you at the feast.




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Astreja, you know he can't make an informed decision to reject that faith unless he knows every single in and out of its tenets. One book just isn't enough. He has to learn everything possible about it before he can really say for sure if the faith is feasible, but even then, we know he'd only say no to it if he just didn't understand.

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Believer, why do you think that ex-Christians haven't done research on our decisions?

THIS is exactly how ignorant christians have become (or maybe they have always been) TO THINK that we have become EX christians because we "haven't done our research". HOW INSULTING! But of course, this also comes from the lips of christians that believe that WE are not "spiritually mature"...that is called PRIDE and ARROGANCE and SELF righteousness; things that "god" ABHORS.


I DID LESS research TO BECOME a christian than I did to become an EXchristian. I spent almost a year before realizing that I was NO LONGER a christian but my "heart and needs" was QUICK to jump on the christian bandwagon and did not USE or DESIRE the logic and thinking skills that I have used to determine my beliefs now...



Given the stakes, it'd be ridiculous to think that any Christian would willingly leave the faith over anything but the most rigorous research.
I did not easily "leave the faith"...it was mournful but NO LONGER BEING DELUDED is worth all the hard work and study and yes PRAYER that I invested...I agree Akheia
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I DID LESS research TO BECOME a christian than I did to become an EXchristian.


So true, and especially those that were indoctrinated as children.

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Not only have we ex-christians done our research. Many of us (maybe most?) first undertook that research in order to shore up diminishing faith. We were looking for reasons to hold on and NOT looking for loopholes so we'd be free to live a "sinful" life or because we were "mad at god," or whatever silliness deluded fundies use to silence their own doubts.


I doubt if believer has ever done any open-minded research. Reading the bible and/or apologetic stuff in order to confirm one's preconceived conclusions doesn't cut it. I am INSULTED when such hypocritical, willingfully ignorant people try to tell US that we need to research their ridiculous religion any further.

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Anybody who hasn't been to cygnus-study.net should go there because there is excellent information on both sides, and you will be able to make a more informed decision against Christianity or else be converted if that is possible. This is basically all I'm going to say for now, except that by the way the pandigital is great for multitasking. Also ask Cygnus about the archives.


Is it lonely under that bridge waiting for the Billie Goats Gruff? Watch out for the Big Billie Goat. I hear he has a ferocious prong aimed right at your arse.

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i have to say that i did very little research whilst becoming an ex-C. mostly just thinking for myself and using my (God-given, presumably) powers of logic and reason. I realize there is a ton of evidence out there against the Bible etc but I haven't bothered with it really. Haven't even read Dawkins or Hitchens (although I might one day).

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Anybody who hasn't been to cygnus-study.net should go there because there is excellent information on both sides, and you will be able to make a more informed decision against Christianity or else be converted if that is possible.


It doesn't seem to exist.


Fancy that! Just like Believer's god.

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