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Goodbye Jesus

Please Respond To This Experiment


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Indifferent to all of them.


Except... I thought (since you're a magician) that you would somehow put the pages back, unripped, by some trick. sad.png


(Oh, and there's a misspelling in the beginning, "The folowing is an experiment.")

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I missed the sp mistake! lol! Thanks for the feedback!

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It annoys me when people damage any books, even if they're not mine and regardless of content. I even rage when people fold the corners of pages to "bookmark" in my books.

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Saw the video. First book made me wonder how much you paid for it and the need for recycling. Next two books were the same response. Even though I anticipated what the last one would be I felt a moment of panic followed by humor and then excitement.


I was a Christian for many decades however for a time I called myself agnostic and the last several months I have been an atheist.

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Seems like someone wasted money buying books he didn't want to read. That's all I got out of it.

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As an atheist I just saw extra paper to start the fireplace with.


As a Christian I would have been mortified that someone ripped pages from the "Holy", "Sacred", "Revered" Bible. Even if it wasn't a King James. That's Blasphemy!

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So how do you do this with a Kindle book?

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Atheist and indifferent to all of them, though when you ripped the God Delusion I felt bothered to let out a lightly sarcastic "nooooooo!" in my head since it's the book I was reading the moment I realized I was an atheist and I admittedly have a fondness to it. Just a slight humorous reaction, though.


I also thought you were kind of pussying through it by just ripping out a page or so per book and wondered why you didn't bring out the big ones - Origin of Species (not an "atheist" book, but you know) or the KJV.

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Love books but I know there are 100,000's of copies of any of those books and/or you can find that info online.

My reaction was "what is he going to do with the ripped pages/book now".

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I kinda cringed at the sound of the tearing page regardless of the title of the book because I think it's because I was taught as a kid that you don't tear pages of a book or scribble on or bend them.


After my initial reaction I then thought that the books can be recycled now.

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yeah but recycling is energy-intensive and wasteful

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