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Don't These People Think?


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I'm sure you've all heard this gem: "Fear is nothing but negative faith." I'm trying so hard to stay in the closet but -OMG- when people say stupid stuff like this it is so hard! I want to say back that fear is often based on real experiences. Faith is not! It is so insulting and demeaning because everyone fears something. Vs faith which is based on feelings and wishes. Thanks for letting me blow off some steam!

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I'm sure you've all heard this gem: "Fear is nothing but negative faith." I'm trying so hard to stay in the closet but -OMG- when people say stupid stuff like this it is so hard! I want to say back that fear is often based on real experiences. Faith is not! It is so insulting and demeaning because everyone fears something. Vs faith which is based on feelings and wishes. Thanks for letting me blow off some steam!


Hey Om, Welcome to Ex-C! Vent away- that's what we're here for! :)


Fear can also be a self-protective measure, and some xtians would do well to have a little of it, ie. fear of fucking their lives up if they get into shitloads of debt in the belief that jesus will return soon and it won't matter... what if jesus doesn't return in their lifetime? What are they going to do then?


A bit of fear is healthy- without fear, what's to stop someone driving as fast as their car can possibly go on a narrow, windy road with a sheer cliff on one side? Pretty stupid to think that fear is necessarily a bad thing.

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Exactly. Fear is real and it's important though it's not good to let it rule one's life. I think my friend is dealing with some fear issues and her well meaning pastor said that to her. If you really look at it it doesn't even make sense. Faith is belief with no evidence. Fear is usually based on some sort of evidence. To compare the two is ridiculous. In my former life I used to get mad at my atheist friend for getting so upset over stuff like this. What have I become?

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What have I become?


An independent thinker :)

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To answer your question: no. :fdevil:

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I'm sure you've all heard this gem: "Fear is nothing but negative faith." I'm trying so hard to stay in the closet but -OMG- when people say stupid stuff like this it is so hard! I want to say back that fear is often based on real experiences. .........


Next time really send them in a tizzy by illustrating how fear is an evolutionary emotion born out of experience that enables self-preservation.

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It has been my experience that anytime the question "Don't these people ever think?" crosses my mind, the answer is almost always "no."

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What have I become?




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What have I become?


An independent thinker smile.png

That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me. Thanks!
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I'm sure you've all heard this gem: "Fear is nothing but negative faith." I'm trying so hard to stay in the closet but -OMG- when people say stupid stuff like this it is so hard! I want to say back that fear is often based on real experiences. .........


Next time really send them in a tizzy by illustrating how fear is an evolutionary emotion born out of experience that enables self-preservation.

Very nice. I will hang that in my closet for now.
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What have I become?


An independent thinker smile.png

That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me. Thanks!


No thanks required- the truth doesn't always hurt :)

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I'm sure you've all heard this gem: "Fear is nothing but negative faith."


Actually I haven't. Not until now anyway. But it sounds totally useless.


So I am a Christian, and my 5 year old child has just been abducted. And there's been a rash of child abductions and murders in the community over the past six months, with no suspects in custody.


In response, I should go about my business and plan next Sunday's after-church potluck.


Like I said - totally useless. Wendytwitch.gif

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