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Broken Souls On A Power Trip


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I was talking to someone about ex-C. I told them that I was trying to get a better picture of what was going on at ex-C.


They said... Broken souls on a power trip. That is just the tone the place takes on.

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Guest Valk0010

Fragile people, unable to lose again

Persue Persue Persue down the little rabbit hole.

Denial campaign extreme

They can't be proven wrong.

The mist is foggy, no there is something on the othersides

True skeptics can be fodder for the fragile people.

Differences are a curse, consensus is a gift from on high

It doesn't really make much sense

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So what? Legion you have become one of my masters. You are teaching me patience.

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Cool poem Valk :3:


So what? Legion you have become one of my masters. You are teaching me patience.


I don't understand what you're saying. I mean, I kinda get that the OP is bothering you somehow, but I don't understand why. :shrug:

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I can't speak for anyone's soul by my own. I don't think it's broken - a little bruised and scuffed, sure. But I certainly hope I'm not on a power trip, because that's the last thing I want.

I can see *some* posters coming off all power-trippy, but I think it's a piece of arrogance for anyone to assume about the state of another's soul. Ask your friend about his/her own power trip in that sense.

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Kinda arrogant to try and sum up the interactions of hundreds of people with a one-liner, too.

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Guest Valk0010

Broken souls on a power trip


Credit that one to me. I think that about most people here. I say I distrust things like quantum theory and get laughed at. Fuck it.

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After being mindfucked by those on power trips it is the last thing I am interested in doing. I think there are several things going on here. There are those who are just trying to sort out the shit in their head after deconversion, those trying to work though mental and emotional illnesses on top of their deconversion. Then we have the I'm so clever because I know how to debate bunch, the I love science instead of god now and anyone who disagrees with me is a retard bunch, the bible god is evil bunch, the I come here to argue politics bunch and the I have come out of christianity and now I have all the answers bunch. Then there are the sweethearts who just love people and want to help. Sure is a smorgasbord of humanity.

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...I come here to learn more than anything else these days. Fascinating people here.

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Kinda arrogant to try and sum up the interactions of hundreds of people with a one-liner, too.


Arrogant? Nah. I think more like... witty.

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I was talking to someone about ex-C. I told them that I was trying to get a better picture of what was going on at ex-C.


They said... Broken souls on a power trip. That is just the tone the place takes on.


Broken soul? Yeah maybe. What do you (or they) mean by "soul," anyway? If the soul does not exist, can it really be broken?


Power trip? That really doesn't say much. Was this person criticizing the moderators? They're the only ones who have any real power. What is a "power trip" in the context of people typing on a forum?

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  • Moderator

If 'broken soul' is being used as an analogy to express a hurting human being - then I would be in that classification of 'broken soul'. Very much, NOT on a power trip...................


.......just trying to put ' humpty dumpty' back together again.....Wendyshrug.gif

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Power trip? I'm not a mod. And my soul ain't been broken, its just confusing to lose your world view. Its just the ol' "you're nothing without god" game.

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Kinda arrogant to try and sum up the interactions of hundreds of people with a one-liner, too.


Arrogant? Nah. I think more like... witty.



Funny. I think more like ... shitty.


I don't think I have a soul, whatever that is. And, if I do, it doesn't appear to be broken. Also, how does one gain power or a sense of power by typing on the forums here? I don't get it. It's meaningless to me.

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I was talking to someone about ex-C. I told them that I was trying to get a better picture of what was going on at ex-C.


They said... Broken souls on a power trip. That is just the tone the place takes on.


I think this is true to some of the members, but I don't believe it's accurate on the whole. It would also depend on your point of view.


I can't speak for everyone, but I came here to mend my soul back together and help others mend theirs along the way. I do agree that many people here are very highly opinionated and might laugh at anyone who has a belief that might contradict the status quo here. As nice as it would be if someone could just civilly say "I disagree and here's why" without any insults, some people here are just the way they are.

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Don't know what I think about that. Ex-C has been a place of recovery for so many people. If by "power-trip" they mean pissy then I get it. Why wouldn't some of us be pissed? Learning that what you've believed is a lie for so long would make someone pissy. There are plenty of us who just want to learn or maybe not abandon spirituality alltogether. So "power-trip" not so much....trying to figure things out...yeps.

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I was talking to someone about ex-C. I told them that I was trying to get a better picture of what was going on at ex-C.


They said... Broken souls on a power trip. That is just the tone the place takes on.


I think this is true to some of the members, but I don't believe it's accurate on the whole.


Agreed. I think there are few here, just a few, whose empty pride is buoyed on a near continuous subsistence on contempt. They lift themselves by tearing down others.


And then, on those few occassions when they encourage others, they think it so special. And it is. It's special because it's rare for them.

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Well, YEAH.


This is a forum for ex-Christians that are getting over lifetimes of nasty brainwashing and religious abuse and having to completely reconstruct their lifestyles and find their ways in the world again. They are trying to find and figure out how to use their own personal power after being forced for so long to give it up to their god.


But as always, generalizations are wrong.

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  • Super Moderator

Well, YEAH.


This is a forum for ex-Christians that are getting over lifetimes of nasty brainwashing and religious abuse and having to completely reconstruct their lifestyles and find their ways in the world again. They are trying to find and figure out how to use their own personal power after being forced for so long to give it up to their god.


But as always, generalizations are wrong.

Exactly. Whom would you expect to see on such a forum as this?


Perhaps some critics are at least somewhat jealous of those who, at great personal expense, have broken free from the superstition, fear and control of the religion that still haunts the majority. Independent thought scares many people.

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Broken souls on a power trip? Meh....


I've been coming to this site since 2002, and it has seen it's share of assholes come and go - so nothing new there. Some stick around for awhile, some end up board suicides and others just disappear after a time. It's just the way forums work.


Just ignore them. Why let those people ruin your day? Wendyshrug.gif

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are we going to get the whole story?

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are we going to get the whole story?


Which story Rev?

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Independent thought scares many people.


And I suppose you think independently?


I don't believe anyone thinks independently. I think even the mind is subject to dependent co-arising. No man or woman is an island.

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