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Daylight Savings Time


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I hate it.



I think the time change is too soon in the spring and too late in the fall.


I think it is completely stupid that we even have it because there is no reason in this modern era that EVERYONE has to be at work at 8 and off by 5. But its to dark when I get home. Well tough. work a different shift. Or better yet get you ass outta bed earlier and go it a 6am. Even better quit taking an hour lunch.


I just hate it.





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I hate it, too. There is no practical reason for it that I can find. I have no idea how to go about changing it, but nobody seems to like it the way it is.


Does someone make money from this silly custom?

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Changing the time is a pain in the ass and creates lots of problems, I hate it. Personally I would like daylight savings all year round though, but that's just me..

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I think there is a state in the U.S. that doesn't do DST...I hate it and it makes no sense whatsoever anymore.

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Arizona doesn't change and I think Hawaii. There are also some really messed up local issues. The State of Indiana allows each county to decided on if they are changing or not. You can imagine the headache that causes.

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I believe it came about to help out farmers back in the day. I don't know if its practical now. It doesn't really help us Alaskans any. We get too much sun in the summer and too little in the winter for it to matter.

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I have always wondered why people think we can just change the time. Time can't be changed. It's just a stupid label we assign to a moment. Stop moving the labels.


DST is just annoying. I think the smarter thing would be to change working hours instead if people are worried about daylight hours. Summer hours 10-6 Winter hours 9-5.


I personally think time is time, and it's normal that winter is darker and summer is brighter. Moving hours is a waste.


Wiki has some great info. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time


I would gladly join the revolution to remove DST forever.

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I believe it came about to help out farmers back in the day. I don't know if its practical now. It doesn't really help us Alaskans any. We get too much sun in the summer and too little in the winter for it to matter.


There's also the idea that if more of your waking time is spent in the daylight, you'll turn on the lights less and use less electricity. No clue if the supposed electricity savings are at all significant.


My complaint about it is that winter is when I really need more sunlight than I'm getting, but the sun gets up WAY earlier than I do. Then by the time I leave work, it's dark. I'm lucky enough to have a window at work, and I've noticed that since I got a better window I've been less depressed in winter.


I think DST is stupid because we have a stupid obsession with the clock. I kinda wish we'd tie our "midnight" to something like sunrise, instead of the middle of the night. But no, everyone has to have their life scheduled around the clock, even though nature isn't playing along.

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I hate DST because I lose an hour of sleep in the summer months and it fucks up my sleep patterns for about a week after the spring change.


And yes, DST is nothing more than a throwback to more primitive agrarian times. They changed it a few years ago by making DST a few weeks longer and the changes yielded no benefits. Hell, these days farmers could work at night if they want to. A few high-watt metal halide lamps can light up a whole field as bright as day.

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i love it. Spring begins for me when DST starts. I can't see well after dark so I limit myself to driving only in daylight if at all possible. DST effectively makes my driving day an hour longer, and makes outdoor activity much easier to enjoy when I can see whats going on.

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I like it fine, myself, but if the majority wants it changed I am OK with that.

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I'd prefer DST all year long, but if we could just pick one and stay with it I'd be happy.

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i love it. Spring begins for me when DST starts. I can't see well after dark so I limit myself to driving only in daylight if at all possible. DST effectively makes my driving day an hour longer, and makes outdoor activity much easier to enjoy when I can see whats going on.


ditto par. I wish it could stay light out until at least 8:00 every night. That's all I would ask for. My spirits to do things, are already soaring with the extra light at night.

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I prefer DST also. Must be an age thing. 0-picture.gif

Don't really care if it's dark or light in the morning, but I HATE when it gets dark at 5pm.


But I'd settle for either way as long as it was consistent.

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Yeah I like the lighter evenings. I am not exactly a morning person. LOL

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I could agree with both buffet and Florduh.


Pick one. The change messes me up for abour two weeks or longer. Some years I never feel normal again until we are on standard time.

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I think we should change it every week. Every odd week we move it 1.5 hour forward. Every other even week we move it back 1 hour, and then .5 hour the other week. And we should change it on Mondays for odd weeks, but only every third time, otherwise it should be Tuesday afternoon. For the even weeks we should change it 8 AM and 6:45 PM, depending on if it's full moon or not. That would make life so much more interesting...


And why the hell can't they put the "Forward 1 hr" and "back 1 hr" easily accessible on the alarm clocks?! Each time I have to try to figure out how the alarm clocks, watches, and whatnots work and what buttons to push! Damn technology not being up to date with our fancy hour-switching schemes!!! vent.gif


Sorry. I'm a little tired of it too.

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I prefer DST also. Must be an age thing. 0-picture.gif

Don't really care if it's dark or light in the morning, but I HATE when it gets dark at 5pm.


But I'd settle for either way as long as it was consistent.

When I lived in Sweden, during winter, the sun came up around 10 AM and set again around 3 PM. With or without DST, it was extremely depressing. So I move to California...

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Pick one. The change messes me up for abour two weeks or longer. Some years I never feel normal again until we are on standard time.


Yeah, it messes with the system for a while.

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  • Super Moderator

I prefer DST also. Must be an age thing. 0-picture.gif

Don't really care if it's dark or light in the morning, but I HATE when it gets dark at 5pm.


But I'd settle for either way as long as it was consistent.

When I lived in Sweden, during winter, the sun came up around 10 AM and set again around 3 PM. With or without DST, it was extremely depressing. So I move to California...


5 hours of daylight would make me want to move too! I get depressed enough when it gets dark at 5pm, especially if the weather is cold and dreary. I often threaten to move somewhere tropical. Maybe some day.

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I like it because I usually work late and it is nice to get home during the summer and still have some daylight left. But time changes like jet lag and changing the clocks for DST do not mess with my biological clock, either.

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I think its an age thing. I hate the time change in the fall - I need to go to bed at like 7:00 p.m. Its crazy.


Now the one in the spring is not as bad, but I still dislike it. Things are going great and then I have to change all the damn clocks in the house (I have terrariums on timers). Ugh!

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If it was up to me, I'd go an hour earlier than daylight savings time and just leave it that way.

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I think we should change it every week. Every odd week we move it 1.5 hour forward. Every other even week we move it back 1 hour, and then .5 hour the other week. And we should change it on Mondays for odd weeks, but only every third time, otherwise it should be Tuesday afternoon. For the even weeks we should change it 8 AM and 6:45 PM, depending on if it's full moon or not. That would make life so much more interesting...


And why the hell can't they put the "Forward 1 hr" and "back 1 hr" easily accessible on the alarm clocks?! Each time I have to try to figure out how the alarm clocks, watches, and whatnots work and what buttons to push! Damn technology not being up to date with our fancy hour-switching schemes!!! vent.gif


Sorry. I'm a little tired of it too.


Wait. What??? Is that routine part of the current Mayan calendar??? Wendytwitch.gif



But seriously, I have a few atomic clocks in the house so they set themselves regardless of when the time changes or if they change the date the time changes.

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