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Goodbye Jesus

Sex Sells... Religion?


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The Church, like many other institutions, wants to get a hold of your cash. It does so by selling sex. Auto manufacturers may drape bikini-clad women over a car they want to sell, but this is kids-play compared to the technique of selling sex that the church has developed:


The church wants people to think that any kind of fucking can be done only if you have been given a license to fuck by the church. There shall be no orgasms without paying your toll to the church -- thereby making them rich and supporting the salaries of the clergy. That is why the church says: "no sex outside of marriage," "no marriage outside of the church," "no masturbation," "no porn," "no homosexual copulation," "no birth control," "no prophylactics," "no group copulation."


The church wants you to approach them to get your ticket stamped by them before you ride the O-Train. Imagine how wealthy they could make themselves if they could harness the sex drive in order to stuff cash in their pockets!?! They have already imagined it. Jesus had an inkling of it when he blurted out: "Anyone who looks at a woman's lovely lady lumps shall be a death row criminal." Matthew 5:28.


My parents are full-time Christian workers, and their salaries come from money put into the collection plate. My mother is very disturbed by my relationship with my partner. My mother says my partner and I are "living in sin," and I am "using" my partner for my own "selfish purposes." I need to remember that the proper translation of my mother's words (whether she is fully aware of this or not) is the following: "By having sex without paying the religious fee, you are taking money out of my pocket."


When clergy talk about sex, they are just like oil executives talking about their industry. They have a narrow, personal vested financial interest. They cannot be trusted to speak with the broader interest in mind. What do you think!?

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This is one of the church's biggest means of control over people, and alot of people don't even realize how far it reaches, and to what extent they're willing to go to enact this control. It's all bullshit of course. There's a lot of psychological manipulation on the church's part regarding sex, and they're good at laying on the guilt trip and causing fear. As far as your mother is concerned, I'm sure you love her, but she needs to get real. That kind of talk is just plain nonsense. Does she not care what that does to your psyche? It's ridiculous.

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Don't forget they also tell people it has to be someone they're 'equally yoked' to so they can harvest the next yielding of offspring without ideological complications and have whole families growing under their control.


Control the sex drive and you control everything.

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