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Goodbye Jesus

It's A Miracle! Praise Jebus!


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Long story short, a girl I know has RSI and her arm struggles when it goes under too much pressure. For example, she has exam answers transcribed.


A couple of days ago, this turned up in my news feed.

Hallelujah! My right arm/RSI has been completely healed. God is good!


With this as its twin in the comments.

Nope. No op. And it didn't gradually heal itself either. I went to church yesterday and it was aching real bad. This lady prayed for me, and God healed me! All the pain was suddenly gone! Total miracle


Now, I know I should be thrilled for her that her arm is in a better state than it was (although she'll feel like an ass if it flares up when she has to pick up a pen again), but the attribution of this to the Good Overlord is something that kinda bugs me.


Millions upon millions of people pray every day to get out of poverty, to stop major conflicts in their areas, for a lost parent to come home. Every one of those prayers goes unanswered. Yet for some reason Cheesus RIce saw it fit to give this girl's arm a fix.


Does he love her more? Is her faith stronger than theirs? Does she deserve God's attention because she watched the Kony video? Does God just understand that with a couple of well-placed miracles he can get more money landed into his coffers?


I know it shouldn't get to me, but it's something that really gets my goat. Just wanted to vent. I have nothing to add to the issue and I know it isn't unique to NZ.


Thanks for reading.

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you should message her and ask how her arm is now.

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Is RSI something that is known to "self-heal"? Sometimes healings are kind like placebos in my understandings. For example, a lady at church testified several years ago that her MS was healed....however a few months later the lesions were back with a vengeance. The saddest part about this whole story is that your friend is more than likely not healed. *sigh*

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I have a debilitating autoimmune disease. It has no cure. It's not known to heal itself. I've been prayed over more times than I can count. Where's my miracle?


It also pisses me off when people use things like Cancer to say that they've been healed. Yes, cancer is bad. Yes, it sucks. In fact, it is SO bad that there are ENTIRE HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS dedicated to studying and treating it. With all the "Race for the Cures" and other such organizations, they hardly have any trouble raising money to fund research for cancer. These people have doctors and nurses tending to them every day with expensive medications and radiation therapy. Yet when they are "mysteriously" healed, it's all Jebus.


My disease is rare. No one knows what causes it and there is no cure. It cannot simply just "go away". It's genetic. There is little to no funding for research. My disease is rare enough that most of my doctors haven't even heard of it before. You NEVER EVER hear of people like this being healed.


Therefore, this subject pisses me the fuck off.

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My disease is rare. No one knows what causes it and there is no cure. It cannot simply just "go away". It's genetic. There is little to no funding for research. My disease is rare enough that most of my doctors haven't even heard of it before. You NEVER EVER hear of people like this being healed.


Therefore, this subject pisses me the fuck off.

Hey CDS! Wow, that sucks. I have my own bag of hammers to deal with, and I too have been turned away by a specialist saying "It's just the way God made you", "We can't help you", "Buh bye then." Not inspiring. You are not alone.


My SIL launched into a gushy, breathy "Heavenly Father...." and I actually cut her off, saying "Look, I've prayed for relief about 3000 times, and God has never done anything. Please don't pray for me." eek.gif

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The mind is a very powerful thing, and if she was feeling uplifted by the prayers and things, it could temporarily make things feel totally better. I've had similar experiences in the past.


Unfortunately, her pain will return. You will see her starting to post about how it "came back" soon.

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dunno if this has been posted here before, and it's kinda long, but definitely worth watching. It opened my eyes to a lot of this stuff. Especially instructive is the section on 'street healing', where someone with minimal training can heal people completely of their pain with just a few chanted phrases and inflections. This is the same guy who used conversational hypnotism to get a roomful of avowed atheists to 'convert' and be slain in the spirit.



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I'm watching this right now...I feel sick. If I was terminally ill I would honestly consider serving vigilante justice to some of these Televangelists.

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I'm watching this right now...I feel sick. If I was terminally ill I would honestly consider serving vigilante justice to some of these Televangelists.

I watched it a few months ago and I felt sick, too. The whole thing is a sham. What a societal cancer.

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