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Goodbye Jesus

We Stopped Dreaming


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Yes. We need something to be passionate about. Life on this earth has become unbearably boring.

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Next step is to habitize another planet. Mars and Venus and such have HUGE amounts of CO2. We need to genetically engineer plants to be able to live with little water, and then plant them on the goddamn planet. We should be starting this now, and in awhile, there will be a legit breathable atmosphere on Mars.

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How about we just fix our economy before we give up on this biosphere?


Otherwise, like that idiot Newt Gingrich, we'll be trying to sell colonizing the moon to folks starving on breadlines.

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How about we just fix our economy before we give up on this biosphere?


Otherwise, like that idiot Newt Gingrich, we'll be trying to sell colonizing the moon to folks starving on breadlines.


Yeah dude, obviously there are priorities. I'm just thinking about the future of space exploration for the human race. Next step is colonizing other planets. The most feasible way would be to create a more hospitable atmosphere, than to just build a bunch of biodomes.

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The video is appeal to emotion.


Fun Fact: If you only care about appeals to logic then we might as well just replace ourselves with robots.

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The video is appeal to emotion.


Fun Fact: If you only care about appeals to logic then we might as well just replace ourselves with robots.


But isn't EMOTION how we all got sold to the bondage of Christianity?


Just sayin'

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The video is appeal to emotion.


Fun Fact: If you only care about appeals to logic then we might as well just replace ourselves with robots.


But isn't EMOTION how we all got sold to the bondage of Christianity?


Just sayin'


You have to use both, bud.

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The video is appeal to emotion.


Thanks for the substantive and informative post.

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How about we just fix our economy before we give up on this biosphere?


Breadlines are important, agreed. But looking forward to our long term future is also important.

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