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Goodbye Jesus

Poking The Beehive


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Do you try to make people doubt their beliefs when you got the chance?


Do you think it is working?


When you still were a christian, was there someone who would make you doubt your beliefs with some smartly placed comments?

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I always like to challenge peoples notions. Even my own.


Doesn't always work but if it gets them to see things slightly differently....then excellent.

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I've a friend I'm working on but I doubt it'll work. She's content being ignorant :(

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Yes, I find that I do. Mainly because I want to help my friends avoid the decades of false belief that I live through.

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I am still not really sure if poking too hard is ethical or not. But sometimes i just can't resist it.


I think most christians don't want to think about thinks that make them feel uncomfortable. I don't get that. When I still was a christian, I tried to get to the bottom of things if I didn't understand something.

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It doesn't work. It just causes cognitive dissonance, which creates feelings of resentment and anger in them. The truth about their belief system is readily apparent. If they are ready to see it, they will. If not, they won't. IMHO

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Do you try to make people doubt their beliefs when you got the chance?


That isn't my goal. I shred the argument of fundies so that their misinformation will no longer have power over others who already have doubt. I don't put the doubt there. They have to find that on their own.


Do you think it is working?


What you said - no. What I do - yes.


When you still were a christian, was there someone who would make you doubt your beliefs with some smartly placed comments?


Yes. Christians who deeply believed the Bible was inerrant and they were Real True Christians. Generally they were incompetent at debate and would make a case for the exact opposite of what they wanted to demonstrate. I started off as one of them and then slowly over the years their hate drove me away. Then after a while I could see they were completely wrong about the Bible. Christians made that happen. Heck back then I was so close minded I wouldn't have listened to anybody else.

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I like to shake people's notions about a lot of things, not just christianity, or even just religion in general.


I'm the "awkward comment girl" at most parties. :P

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