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Goodbye Jesus

Oh Noos! It's A Satanic Kissing Game!

Tabula Rasa

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I stumbled on this.

It's a kissing game that's rather innocent, but considering it's an angel and devil smooching, I'm suprised some psycho fundie hasn't come along and accused them of promoting satanism.


Here's the game: http://www.girlgames4u.com/devil-and-angel-kissing-game.html

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I disapprove. I don't want my daughters playing a game in which the objective is for the good girl to successfully evade detection as she sneaks off to smooch with the bad boy. They should have to learn that shit the same way their mother did, in the real world.GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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LOL at Ro-Bear!


I thought the game was rather boring, myself.

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