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Goodbye Jesus

Demonica Anatomica Or Where Did Christian Descriptions Of Demons Come From?

Tabula Rasa

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Hey all, I'm curious as to what your thoughts are, in regard to where christians idea of what the Devil and demons look like come from. One of the things I've heard is that the image of Satan as having a goat's lower half, and horns came from the church's demonization of the greek god Pan, who was a god of the forest.


What are some of the things that you've heard, or as a christian believed in, in regard to what Ol Scratch and his minions look like?

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You answered your own question.


The christians demonized (no pun intended) everything having to do with the forest/nature as a way of suppressing the old religions. The old forest gods (Pan, Cernunnos, etc. merged and became the christian devil. The forest, wilderness, etc. being evil is a common theme throughout medieval literature.

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