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Goodbye Jesus

Shit List


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Here's a few to get it started:


The Holy Ghost


Daniel 1012


Torture Prisons


Ok, I don't want to ruin the fun, so come on. Let's build an ExC shit list.

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George Bush


Fred Phelps


Pat Robertson


Topeka, Kansas


Unkempt pubic areas

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Shit list (short form):


Political correctness.



Insurance of all kinds.

Expensive fucking funerals.

"Reality TV".

The Bible.


Religious nitwits. (And NO I won't narrow the field.)

Fucking religious nitwits.

Religious fucking nitwits.

Nitwits who happen to be religious.

Nitwits who ask me questions about religion and then get angry with me for telling them the truth.

Nitwits who think I'm "angry" at "God" just because I'm bold and firm in my speech or writing against religious nitwits.

Nitwits who think that BOLD and LARGE print means that I'M SHOUTING. AND they get offended.

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Don't hold back, Ganga, let us know how you really feel :lmao:


kit walker

Xian posters that ignore the data you give them as to why they are full of shit! 


I agree. It only took me a few days of research to realize that xianity was BS!

Up til then I was an avid beLIEver.



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Petty Admin (not the Admin here, though! I like the Admin here :HaHa: )






Ann Coulter


Cold weather

Companies that use sypware



My father



Immature brats


Bratz dolls

Bubblegum pop

The Bush Administration


Shallow ditzes


The self-righteous
















...And did I mention "idiots"?

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Mother Nature


I think that about covers it.

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My ex-pastard

My ex-pASStor

*I've been a member of two churches.


Memphis politicians

.....Oh heck, All politicians.


Ann Cuntier

Pats Buchanen, O'Reilly and Robertson

George H, W, both Barbaras, Jenna and Jebb Bushes


Department store, grocery store, convenience store, bodega, ice cream cart and hot dog stand security guards who follow me around thinking I'm going to steal their crap just because I "fit the average demographic" for thieves.


Thieves who make me "fit the demographic" for most thieves.


The thief who stole the front wheel off my bicycle.


Memphis-ass crooks who are such thieves they would steal the front wheel off a bicycle.






Did I mention thieves? :Doh:

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The Holy Ghost
I am the source of all that there is to know, and yet, even We are puzzled by your disdain for Me.
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M$ :pureevil:

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The kids who held a party over the weekend that resulted in my car windshield being destroyed.

Bank of America for slamming me with overdraft charges.

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Right now, the jerk who broke into my daughters class room and stole the emergency case.


Whoever said Bratz dolls I'll double that


My ex-pastor Vernie Flecher, yes I'll use his real name.


thieves including the kind that take MSN groups that do not belong to them.

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My shit list?


We have time for this?


Pushy religious assholes who get upset because I won't fall in line.


Middle school kids and their pre-teen attitudes (I have one of these at home, she's driving me fucking crazy)


George "The Dim Son" Bush


Neocon assholes who think I'm stupid and can't read between the lines of their shit


Retailers trying to push Christmas on me before Thanksgiving


My fucking parents-in-law, self-centered fucktards that they are


My piece of shit ex-husband, his cocksucking evil bitchmonster from hell mother, and his fucking cunt of a grandmother. Yeah, I hate 'em all...there's a long story behind that, but suffice it to say, they seriously mindfucked my only child when she was four, and it's stayed with her.


Uneducated morons on other message boards who think they can spam and spam, and thus get their point across, except they have no fucking point, and as a mod, I have to fucking delete them before we can fucking ban them.


Fucking morons who read the news off teleprompters, and try to make us panic over stupid shit.


And idiots of every stripe. I can't fucking stand stupid fucking people.

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The Holy Ghost
I am the source of all that there is to know, and yet, even We are puzzled by your disdain for Me.


You schizophrenic or something? :twitch:


I only really have one item on my shit list - John Howard. Little duckfaced moron's screwed up my home country...

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The Holy Ghost
I am the source of all that there is to know, and yet, even We are puzzled by your disdain for Me.



It's because you keep convicting those christian friends of yours of petty crimes, because you make them feel bad for breaking your nonsensical rules, all the while bolstering their courage as they spout forth their idiocy at the rest of us.

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Big box retailers




Russian drivers (because they're crazy)


DC drivers (because they're angry)


Boise drivers (because they're too slow)


US traffic cops (because they're rigid)


Russian cops (because they they have a symbiotic relationship [leeches] to their society)


Google (for its new PPC policies)


The metro






Hollywood blockbusters


and... ...you got it! Stupid people



Thanks for the lists everyone. I had a great laugh this morning. Keep 'em coming.

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My turn, my turn...


-Snotty, white collar neo-con pundits


-Most of the girl-themed stuff these days (it's more like let's teach our little girls how to be materialistic airheads).

-The creator of Mallard Philmore and any other ultra right-wing cartoonist (Faith Mouse, Poli-Ticks, Leftersons).

-Modern day girl rockers. (Posers is more like it. Lita Ford and Gillette could kick their asses any day of the week.)

-Bush and his chronies.

-People who refuse to take responcibility for their children's upbringing.

-Corporation moguls who place money and power over their fellow human beings.

-Religious fanatics

-Focus on the Family and their ilk

-Female singers who are dubbed Divas

-Ultra fruity new agers/progressives (like Hathor the Cow Goddess)

-Douche films (aka Chick Flicks)

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-Bush and his chronies.

-People who refuse to take responcibility for their children's upbringing.

-Corporation moguls who place money and power over their fellow human beings.

-Religious fanatics





Mean people

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Is it okay to add to my list? (I'm gonna do it anyway, but I thought I'd ask! :grin: )


Vandalism/destruction of property

Burglary/home invasion

Computer viruses and the assholes who create them

Identity theft




I don't hate many people, but I do HATE these people. They should be caught and made to replace laboratory rats for experimentation.

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I hate evil people, that's it.

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