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Goodbye Jesus

Pinterest Gets On My Damn Nerves.


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Every time I log on there to find some inspiration, all I find are cutesy G_O_D quotes or platitudes about life and Christianity.


Or Jesus crafts.


And cliche bullshit wall art about "When God closes a door he opens a window" all calligraphied and prettified so you can hang it right next to your Olan Mills family portrait.



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I hear ya. I got an invite, went and looked it over, and passed for the same reason.

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It's big with mormon moms. As a mom nothing turns me off more than better Crocker perfect moms - I deleted my account. It's fucking status porn.

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I used to scrapbook until the women freaked me out. I was becoming a feminist and they... were caught in the 1950's, always talking about church and their families and shit. Freaked me right out!

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