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Goodbye Jesus

Jesus: Child Killer


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I came across this issue myself when I was perusing Revelations (it's amazing the crap you can discover even after 30 odd years of intense Bible study, although I probably did read this passage before, just glossed over it). We all know the story of Jesus saving the adulterous woman from being stoned to death, but Revelations 2 seems to suggest that he condemns an adulterous woman from the church at Thyatira to a sickbed, then also condemns her children to death. A quick search on the interwebs indicates that the apologists' general explanation is that the woman (called Jezebel) is not a literal person but, like the vixen Jezebel in the OT, is a discordant spirit who spreads lasciviousness and division in the church. And her 'children' are really the people who fall into her evil trap. Either way, it seems like Jesus is condemning people to death, which is not like the gentle Jesus we know and love. In fact, whenever Jesus 'speaks' in Revelations (always in a vision to John, of course), he sounds suspiciously unlike Jesus and more like.. I don't know.. Paul, maybe? Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Just like in our modern day churches, Jesus' general opinions sound remarkably similar to those of whoever's speaking for him.

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