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Chrishin Mingle - "good News"

Mike D

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Ok well it's official - Christian Mingle has overtaken Geico in the #1 spot on my most hated/annoying/stupid commercials list.


Not so much because it's a Christian site, but for one the dude can't properly pronounce the word "christian", (he says "crishin"), which is annoying enough.


But add to that, the marketing people who created the ad I guess decided that if they throw the phrase "Good news" in the beginning of the ad they can capitalize on the association many Christians have that if you hear the words "Christian" and "good news" in the same sentence, a "free gift" of some sort might be coming next. So you best listen up. Or else! PageofCupsNono.gif


Crishun Mingle Ridigwoopsie.gif

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The Christian online dating thing is sad; after college I got on those sites, and it was one of the things that started me on my way to deconverting.

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"Meet god's match for you.' God is a pimp now!

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I was on there and it was not impressive to say the least. Got on there a couple of months before I deconverted.

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Years ago I tried finding "the woman that God has for me" on eharmony.com. Gaaakkk!!!!


One thing I've learned: Christians marry young, partly out of expectation and partly because like everyone else they want to fuck. As for those not married by age 24, there just might be a reason for that. Hey, I include myself in that, I definitely didn't have my (emotional and mental) shit together at the time.


Now if you think that's scary, check out your typical "f2f" Christian singles group at your local congregation.

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They advertise that they have over 5 million members, 2 million of whom have joined in the past year.


Do the math: That means there are more than 3 million members who have tried for more than a year without success to meet "God's perfect match" through Christian Mingle. Not very impressive.

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When I was a Christian, the only reason I wanted to marry was to be able to fuck. They don't know what that word means and it's why most Christian marriages don't last.

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Never been on the site. Wonder if they have an option for casual encounter?

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The one that gets me is when they say:

when God is saying "it's your time to act the next move is yours".


Whoever designed that marketing thinks Christians are stupid and easily manipulated. Hey, maybe he is right about that.

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