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Why I'm Not A Christian - The Funeral Debacle

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For Vigile and others who have experienced this kind of thing....




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I would have walked out too, Raoul. That is just so fucking disrespectful, on so many different levels.


I would have walked out too, Raoul. That is just so fucking disrespectful, on so many different levels.

I'm still kinda reeling from it. As I said in the video, the guy's from the South so one can only imagine how really bad it is down there.

I would have walked out too, Raoul. That is just so fucking disrespectful, on so many different levels.

I'm still kinda reeling from it. As I said in the video, the guy's from the South so one can only imagine how really bad it is down there.


Yeah, I've been thinking for a while that the only way things are going to get better, particularly for American atheists, is to just come out, loud and proud, and kick up an almighty stink about everything. Being quiet and hoping things change seems to be working as well for atheists as it did for African-Americans before the civil rights movement.


It would be great if there was a national 'Questioners, doubters and non believers' coming out day. How about 6/6/16? That would drive them nuts. One of the interesting things is that there may actually be more of us than them. I find more and more non believers all the time.


I am older than most of you, but I do remember when nobody spoke of gays. They were up there with atheists: if you don't acknowledge them, they don't exist. I had friends that were gay and I did not have a clue, that is how naive most of us were until the late 70s. I had a friend I worked with that told me he was gay, and I was totally cool with that because we were friends before I knew that I was supposed to despise him. It is very hard for me to believe I was so clueless then. Anyway, putting a the face of a friend to the gay rights issue made all the difference to me, even tho I was still an xian then. Because of that one friend, I instantly overcame any religious prejudice against gays, it helped he decide how wrong judgmental xians were.


Perhaps the same is true for all of us non believers. If they were our friends, they would realize we were born with critical thinking skills, and accept us just as we are. those that don't we're never our friends any way.

  • Like 2

It would be great if there was a national 'Questioners, doubters and non believers' coming out day. How about 6/6/16? That would drive them nuts. One of the interesting things is that there may actually be more of us than them. I find more and more non believers all the time.


I am older than most of you, but I do remember when nobody spoke of gays. They were up there with atheists: if you don't acknowledge them, they don't exist. I had friends that were gay and I did not have a clue, that is how naive most of us were until the late 70s. I had a friend I worked with that told me he was gay, and I was totally cool with that because we were friends before I knew that I was supposed to despise him. It is very hard for me to believe I was so clueless then. Anyway, putting a the face of a friend to the gay rights issue made all the difference to me, even tho I was still an xian then. Because of that one friend, I instantly overcame any religious prejudice against gays, it helped he decide how wrong judgmental xians were.


Perhaps the same is true for all of us non believers. If they were our friends, they would realize we were born with critical thinking skills, and accept us just as we are. those that don't we're never our friends any way.

I love that date! But actually, we could do it this year via paroblic teaching. LOL I mean what about 12/12/12? You see, 3 x 12 = 36 and 36 divided by 6 equals? LOL Okay forget that one, even I don't get it. And what you wrote about having gay friends brings to mind my own experience when I was in the Army back in the 60s. One of my closest buddies was gay and it meant squat to us or anyone else that hung with us. We were just all good Army buddies and nothing else mattered. It seems the only ones so freaking concerned about the gays are the alleged 'anti' gay fundies. I guess we could write volumes of psychological data about that, right?

Great video as usual!



You are right. Those who need that spiritual side but can still reason and think logically don't need us to be a war with them. I in fact will still "pray" with them when they ask me. I bow my head and "pray" with my jewish friends and muslim friends. I've taken part in some of my wiccian friends ceramonies. Nothing wrong with that in my humble opinion. I believe there is a inner good will that kind of acts to "Pray" sort of when I say "sending healing and comforting thoughts."


Anyways... After our conversation a while back about bible thumpers for the most part I've evolved my view... I can't blame those people who are thumping the bible and beating their chests. I kind of take pitty on them.


IT is the "Preachers" their leaders who are scaming them for every dollar they can pull from those poor saps. It is those congress members who where religion like it was a fancy piece of clothing. "Hey look at me I believe like you do with God Now vote the way I want you to OR support these laws I propose because I'm just like you and God's faithful don't hurt one another."


It is those asses that should be boiled in their own spew and exposed for the greedy scam artists they are.


My personal believe right now is IF there is a "God" and and the "Devil" are on in the same and I will have no part in either one of them. BUT breaking down spiritual belief to it's core and looking at eastern beliefs and even some ancient beliefs I've come to the conclusion that at the absolute core there is the idea of humanity. These ideas--like commandments and golden rules and confusses laws etc they are about how we treat ourselves and one another. How simple kindness to one another and taking care of one another is really needed to surivive this world. Now of course there are people who aren't going to do it unless a "parent" figure is involved. Think about the kid who doesn't share because mommy or daddy isn't around to make him/her. This is where the idea of "God" comes in to be the parent to 'smack' the bad kid into line.


So I would encourage you to make that video of the "preacher" I would expose the SOB for the pig that he is! He is getting rich basically preying on peoples spiritual need and that is the EVIL I see in this country and around this world today.


You know a line spoken by a character in a Dan Brown novel and movie needs to realized by all religious and I'm not talking about the evil one who are using people to get money and world view imposed on people. I'm talking about those like the Dali Lama and who finds joy and humanity and work in helping those who are in a spiritual need. I'm talking about those who are corrupt and those who have a "God complex" themselves. I also think bible thumper-followers need to be educated and taught this phrase :


Religion is flawed because man is flawed


Spoken by Cardinal Strauss


(sorry to steal your rant... smile.png it is also a habit of mine to say sorry...actually that was ingrained into me by a parent who is overbearing and always believe they are right. )


If that was a relative of mine I would have kicked that preacher out of the funeral and apologized for having that asshat there in the first place. I think I'm going to request that I have no clergy at my funeral (assuming I even have one) not that it matters at all after I'm dead.


Either way I subscribed to your youtube channel. good stuff so far.


If that was a relative of mine I would have kicked that preacher out of the funeral and apologized for having that asshat there in the first place. I think I'm going to request that I have no clergy at my funeral (assuming I even have one) not that it matters at all after I'm dead.


Either way I subscribed to your youtube channel. good stuff so far.

Well that was a bit touchy because I didn't want to say it in the video since the video is out on YouTube. But I can say it here with no problem. The preacher man happened to be the brother of the widow. We were over her house the day before when he called on the phone and said he could hold the service for her (per her request). She was thrilled beyond words. So I guess you can see why nothing was said after the service or at least I think nothing was said. Dunno for sure.

(sorry to steal your rant... smile.png it is also a habit of mine to say sorry...actually that was ingrained into me by a parent who is overbearing and always believe they are right. )

You didn't steal anything - you added to the interest of this threat - thanks. And you nailed it, again, right on the bullseye - it's not the laity per se as much as the clergy themselves who have set themselves up to be the biblical authority on just about everything and anything.

That is so very wrong what happened. I Love your videos.

I know that there are preachers who use funeral services as an opportunity to preach about Christ and getting saved. I attended a funeral a few years back. Last one I went to and I was a believer.

And the pastor talked about death and did the invitation to ask christ into your heart speech. Like people were going to raise their hand and do that at a funeral. No one did. I had my eyes opened and watched.

These people think that it is so important to get that message out there whatever the occasion, Got to save some souls today!

I am sure that is their agenda. Someone died , great opportunity to talk about the inevitabilty of death and ask the congregation "where do you think you are going after you die". And so they are on a mission, they gotta warn the living and give them the chance to repent and ask Jebus into their heart even though they are all grieving and sad over their lost loved one.

They think that they are doing the right thing.

But it is heartless and insensitive preying on people at a funeral. Vultures!


That is so very wrong what happened. I Love your videos.

I know that there are preachers who use funeral services as an opportunity to preach about Christ and getting saved. I attended a funeral a few years back. Last one I went to and I was a believer.

And the pastor talked about death and did the invitation to ask christ into your heart speech. Like people were going to raise their hand and do that at a funeral. No one did. I had my eyes opened and watched.

These people think that it is so important to get that message out there whatever the occasion, Got to save some souls today!

I am sure that is their agenda. Someone died , great opportunity to talk about the inevitabilty of death and ask the congregation "where do you think you are going after you die". And so they are on a mission, they gotta warn the living and give them the chance to repent and ask Jebus into their heart even though they are all grieving and sad over their lost loved one.

They think that they are doing the right thing.

But it is heartless and insensitive preying on people at a funeral. Vultures!

Thanks and I'm laughing while responding over what you said about having your eyes open and watching to see if anyone took the invite. I can picture you doing that. LOL

And yes, the insipid 'soul winning for de lord' thing always kicks in with them. The more I'm moving away from that crap the more it smells like crap if that makes any sense.

  • Super Moderator

I had my eyes opened and watched.


HA! I do the same thing. When I hear "Let us bow our heads and pray" I immediately perk up and look around to see if maybe, just maaaaybe, someone else is doing the same thing. No luck so far. But then I'm in Virginia, home of the funnnymentalist misfits Pat Robertson; Jerry Falwell and Son; Michael Farris (founder of Homeskool Kollege); the current governor and possible VP candidate, Bob McDonnell; attorney general and uber pro-lifer-as-long-as-that-life-never-requires-food stamps, welfare, medical care, or student loans and lives with two parents -- one male, one female, Ken Cuccinelli; Eric Cantor (the token Jewish funnymentalist), etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam ...




the guy's from the South so one can only imagine how really bad it is down there.


It's bad. I had the misfortune of attending the funeral of a co-worker that was very similar to the one you described. Unfortunately, there were a lot of "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" coming from the peanut(-brained) gallery. Made.Me.Sick!!!


BTW, love your videos. I subscribed on YT.


I had my eyes opened and watched.


HA! I do the same thing. When I hear "Let us bow our heads and pray" I immediately perk up and look around to see if maybe, just maaaaybe, someone else is doing the same thing. No luck so far. But then I'm in Virginia, home of the funnnymentalist misfits Pat Robertson; Jerry Falwell and Son; Michael Farris (founder of Homeskool Kollege); the current governor and possible VP candidate, Bob McDonnell; attorney general and uber pro-lifer-as-long-as-that-life-never-requires-food stamps, welfare, medical care, or student loans and lives with two parents -- one male, one female, Ken Cuccinelli; Eric Cantor (the token Jewish funnymentalist), etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam ...




the guy's from the South so one can only imagine how really bad it is down there.


It's bad. I had the misfortune of attending the funeral of a co-worker that was very similar to the one you described. Unfortunately, there were a lot of "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" coming from the peanut(-brained) gallery. Made.Me.Sick!!!


BTW, love your videos. I subscribed on YT.

Thanks. Like I said before, I think, I can't freaking stand to hear an 'amen' or 'hallelujah' any longer. The more distance I put between them and me the more I see it for what it really is - a mind controlling cult.

Good for you. I wish more non-christians would refuse to sit there and listen to their shit.


Good for you. I wish more non-christians would refuse to sit there and listen to their shit.

Thanks. The only reason I kept my mouth shut during the ordeal, while I was there, was out of respect for the deceased and his family. But it was incredibly hard anyway. I found myself shaking out of pure anger over the way he changed the atmosphere in that place in such a short period of time.

It would be great if there was a national 'Questioners, doubters and non believers' coming out day. How about 6/6/16? That would drive them nuts. One of the interesting things is that there may actually be more of us than them. I find more and more non believers all the time.


I am older than most of you, but I do remember when nobody spoke of gays. They were up there with atheists: if you don't acknowledge them, they don't exist. I had friends that were gay and I did not have a clue, that is how naive most of us were until the late 70s. I had a friend I worked with that told me he was gay, and I was totally cool with that because we were friends before I knew that I was supposed to despise him. It is very hard for me to believe I was so clueless then. Anyway, putting a the face of a friend to the gay rights issue made all the difference to me, even tho I was still an xian then. Because of that one friend, I instantly overcame any religious prejudice against gays, it helped he decide how wrong judgmental xians were.


Perhaps the same is true for all of us non believers. If they were our friends, they would realize we were born with critical thinking skills, and accept us just as we are. those that don't we're never our friends any way.


I have resolved to stay closeted until my youngest child is out of school and will then hopefully avoid the social fall out of an Atheist parent in the stands at athletic events....parties they get left out of....that sort of thing. Call me a coward, BUT THIS IS A PLAN BASED AROUND YOUR THEORY>>>>




I like your theory, but I also like Puddin's thought that we should be noisy and make them realize we are NOT going away.


Torn....but closeted for now. It is bigger than me. Parents don't get the luxury to choose sometimes.


I've unfortunately had to attend funerals for my niece and my dad in the last 2 years. My mom's pentacostal holiness pastor preached both. My wife stood behind me with her hand on my shoulder at both and applied pressure when the idiot started his "come to jebus" shit.

Great video and I totally agree. I want and expect a funeral to be a celebration of life, not a 'turn or burn" sermon.



I've unfortunately had to attend funerals for my niece and my dad in the last 2 years. My mom's pentacostal holiness pastor preached both. My wife stood behind me with her hand on my shoulder at both and applied pressure when the idiot started his "come to jebus" shit.

Great video and I totally agree. I want and expect a funeral to be a celebration of life, not a 'turn or burn" sermon.



I've unfortunately had to attend funerals for my niece and my dad in the last 2 years.

My condolences for your loss and thanks for the other comments as well.
  • Super Moderator

Funerals can be the worst. I hesitate to attend one now if there will be a preacher.


I've told this story before, but briefly, my father's funeral was hosted by the most obnoxious preacher I've ever met - and that's saying something. At his church, my sister, brother and myself were the only non-members and non-believers (along with our spouses). We were sitting in the front row when the twat standing behind the pulpit said that my dad's only desire was that his three children come to know the Lord - as he pointed his finger at us!


The temptation was great to stand up and challenge him right then, or make a show of walking out. But after all, it was my fundy nut father's funeral, so I behaved. His widow asked if I had the customary "donation" for the service. I said, "After that, you're kidding me, right?"


Fuck 'em. I stayed for the food, and it was good!

  • Like 1

Funerals can be the worst. I hesitate to attend one now if there will be a preacher.


I've told this story before, but briefly, my father's funeral was hosted by the most obnoxious preacher I've ever met - and that's saying something. At his church, my sister, brother and myself were the only non-members and non-believers (along with our spouses). We were sitting in the front row when the twat standing behind the pulpit said that my dad's only desire was that his three children come to know the Lord - as he pointed his finger at us!


The temptation was great to stand up and challenge him right then, or make a show of walking out. But after all, it was my fundy nut father's funeral, so I behaved. His widow asked if I had the customary "donation" for the service. I said, "After that, you're kidding me, right?"


Fuck 'em. I stayed for the food, and it was good!


damn. what a class A fucktwaddle.


damn. what a class A fucktwaddle.

I couldn't have said it any better! I'm a bit grateful for the fact that we, unlike Florduh, were sitting in the last row of seats but had that happened to me and I was sitting in the front I think I would've still gotten up and left - dunno for sure. Besides they say 'hindsight' is always giving a better perspective of things so dunno for sure.

Funerals can be the worst. I hesitate to attend one now if there will be a preacher.


I've told this story before, but briefly, my father's funeral was hosted by the most obnoxious preacher I've ever met - and that's saying something. At his church, my sister, brother and myself were the only non-members and non-believers (along with our spouses). We were sitting in the front row when the twat standing behind the pulpit said that my dad's only desire was that his three children come to know the Lord - as he pointed his finger at us!


The temptation was great to stand up and challenge him right then, or make a show of walking out. But after all, it was my fundy nut father's funeral, so I behaved. His widow asked if I had the customary "donation" for the service. I said, "After that, you're kidding me, right?"


Fuck 'em. I stayed for the food, and it was good!


If I got put on the spot like that, I'd probably blurt out something really inappropriate like, "ha! Not happening!" You've clearly got more self-control than I do. What a dick that pastor was.

  • Like 1


I like your theory, but I also like Puddin's thought that we should be noisy and make them realize we are NOT going away.


Torn....but closeted for now. It is bigger than me. Parents don't get the luxury to choose sometimes.


standing up for equality is never wrong. Sometimes parents need to be brave too.

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