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Goodbye Jesus

The Shock Of Losing My Non-Existant God


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Welcome Wanderinstar! This place has been great to me and I'm glad you're here because it does help. Many of us felt the same devastation you felt when you finally arrived to that point when you had to say that the biblical god is a myth. It's tough for a person, who's life revolved around the existence of this being, finally concluding it was all a farce.


But now, you can move forward... Life can begin to make more sense and you can start to live by sight and not by faith. Because after all, it makes more sense. =) Hopefully, your Christian-based-wounds begin to heal - though it's tough at times because the one thing in life we can never-outrun is our past. But we can always use it to strengthen us and to take whatever good we can from it... For example, you can probably rip that average Christian apart with the use of logic and reason because of what you know about the faith. This may help someone who's quietly struggling with it all and you could be the tool to free them of their shackles.


Anyway, I love what you have to say because it rings true for me as well. Thanks for contributing! =)

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Over time, you may come to realize that while you lost many things, the religion wasn't a loss - it's a gain. You've gained a better ability to see reality, to deal with your problems without the delay of waiting for god to fix them, expecting that your personal preferences or fears are god speaking to you.


Best of luck - you're having to deal with a TON of change, and many difficulties, but hopefully when you get through to the other side, you'll find that you've gained a lot too.


I lost my job recently - I just got a new one, and while at the time, I'd have done anything to keep my old job, now it's seeming more and more clear that this is going to be a great improvement for me, and for my family.

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Thanks again everyone. My mood has been lifted by all your support and encouragement and I hope to start giving through posting on other members threads.


Even though my heart is still heavy with grief I feel a growing sense of excitement and freedom as I view reality for what it is rather than through religious goggles. The universe is so much MORE awesome without an intervening creator God than it ever was when I believed there was a creator. Now I am free to use my own moral compass rather than live under the oppression of a misogynistic cult. I have started buying all the cool music I was forced to throw out (as it was of the 'devil' apparantly) and although it pisses me off to have to rebuy them I guess the artists get double from me and I get to re-aquaint myself with some amazing music. As a musician this is very close to my heart so to be able to listen to the cool stuff again is priceless.


Along with new music I am re-visiting Einstein's theory of Relativity, Evolution, Philosophy, Eastern Religious thought (without the gods) and learning about Atheism. I'm a sponge and I can't get enough. This thirst is keeping me sane after losing so much. I was very unwell with depression and PTSD so I honestly thought losing my husband and God would sink me but since I have realised that I was the one who got me through all my past struggles, not some invisible friend, I know that I am strong enough to get through this.

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Good to hear Wanderinstar.

I knew you'd be able to begin your journey back from all of that just from the various insights you shared with us when you initially came on board. Funny how, once more, you exhibit the SAME traits as many of us. In this case your description of being a sponge, absorbing all of the new knowledge and facts. I'm in the middle of this process myself, reading 2 or 3 books at the same time.


It just keeps coming back to me - the more I absorb and learn - the question keeps coming back - "how the hell did I ever believe any of the crap in the first place?"

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