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Goodbye Jesus

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I just want to say thanks to those who have responded to my posts for the past year. It helps to know that someone out there is willing to listen to what I have to say. I have had a lot on my mind lately, and it seems that no one truly understands me. I have dealt with other personal problems that aren't religious related, but my religious upbringing was a big factor. Many of my fears come from adventism/christianity. It influenced the way I dealt and still deal with others that weren't raised that way. Others I've dealt with seem to have a more positive outlook on life. They just live their life and appear to not care about what god thinks of their behavior. They have a "live and let live" attitude. I sometimes wish I had that kind of attitude, but I don't. I sometimes worry about what I'm thinking and how it's not right and not "what god wants me to think". I'm improving on my outlook on life, it's just going to take some time to really get a handle on things.

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I hear you my friend and want you to know we've all been through or are still going through much of what you just shared. It is absolutely incredible how much religious beliefs penetrate a human's conscious and more importantly, sub concious level and influence almost everything we think regarding such matters. I think that Ray, the guy who wrote 'the God Virus' had it down pat when he described it as such. That's probably the most accurate description of what it is and how it behaves. Just hang in there and keep moving towards the real Light - that of reality.


Definitely know you're not alone in that. Its really hard to completely change your thinking, its a processand how long it takes depends on the person. I hope things start getting easier for you soon, but don't beat yourself up. You'll get where you want to be


I hear you my friend and want you to know we've all been through or are still going through much of what you just shared. It is absolutely incredible how much religious beliefs penetrate a human's conscious and more importantly, sub concious level and influence almost everything we think regarding such matters. I think that Ray, the guy who wrote 'the God Virus' had it down pat when he described it as such. That's probably the most accurate description of what it is and how it behaves. Just hang in there and keep moving towards the real Light - that of reality.

I've never heard of the God Virus. Is it a new book?

Thanks for responding. Sometimes I wish that christianity would go away completely.



I've never heard of the God Virus. Is it a new book?

Thanks for responding. Sometimes I wish that christianity would go away completely.

You and me both (it goes away). The God Virus has been around for a while. You can access part of it in a PDF file at:



The deprogramming takes time. Not everyone walks out on the same path. Some roads out are longer, others shorter. The main thing is just keep moving out of the puddle of madness. True freedom awaits all of us where the ground is dry and there are no hidden obstacles to trip us up.


In time hopefully you will begin to clear out the toxic thinking & false guilt.


Not long after I left the cult, I told a friend of mine, who had also left a bible cult that-- "I wish I didn't CARE".

I worried constantly, because of the doctrine & being taught that even our thoughts could be sinful, can drives a person crazy! I wasn't someone who did a half assed job, I was ON FIRE for the lawd.

I would not allow myself to be "spewed out of the gawd's mouth" because I was "lukewarm". If I would have been a lukewarm believer in the Baptist/Calvinist cult, it would have made it so much easier to just

walk away. But I endured fear & guilt for quite some time until I was able to untangle myself from the demented teachings & indoctrination.


I never understood xians who lived like the "world"....we must have been hearing the sermons differently. But then again even the pastard was a hypocrite. I guess I was one of the few who was trying like hell to be sincere & LIVE IT.

HA! what a friggen joke. As much as I tried I could NEVER live up to the standards the pastor insisted were "gawd's" (but they were really the pastard's standards that he was putting on people)


 I took the doctrine/belief system very seriously....whereas they did not. I wished I could be lukewarm like them, not care.....


Fortunately I was able to de-tox from it & I'm sure you can too. Just make sure to fortify your thoughts with truthful statements to validate yourself.

(I would actually talk to myself -on the sly so I didn't look too crazy! :D)


I would tell myself "I'm not a bad person for leaving that church!!"

"I'm not wrong for leaving when I no longer agreed with the half of it!"

I would just reaffirm what I already knew in my mind.


Keep on trucking, you will get to a better place, it just takes some time. ((hug)) You need to heal.




I've never heard of the God Virus. Is it a new book?

Thanks for responding. Sometimes I wish that christianity would go away completely.

You and me both (it goes away). The God Virus has been around for a while. You can access part of it in a PDF file at:



Looks like it would be an interesting book to read. I'll have to look for it at the local Barnes and Noble.

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