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Goodbye Jesus

Great Cnn Post On Grieving


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Finally Lawrence Krauss posted something on the Sandy Hook incident for the "rest of us" on cnn.  I absoluting loved it and I am SO tempted to share it on Facebook to balance out all the nonsense that my religious friends have posted.   Here is it:







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Guest Babylonian Dream

I agree wholeheartedly with Lauwrence Klauss. It's also a shame, they didn't have hindu, pagan, shinto nor other prayers. Now Shiva, Amaterasu, Zeus, and Unkulunkulu are going to be very angry with us.

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Excellent article Ellwood.


It amazes me that people don't lose their faith over these types of tragic events that happen in the world.

I grieved in my own way for all these people and children over the holidays. They were always on my mind.


These were all the types of things that wore my faith down to a 'frazzle'.


I'm going to save this article....

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That's a great article. Seeing that meme on f/b from countless people that if God had been allowed in school that this wouldn't have happened, darn near made me sick.

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Excellent Op Ed.  A complete slam dunk. 

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As former christians we often would pray with our kids before they left to school that God would keep them safe and give them a good day while they were away from us. Well if those prayers did not move the hand of God to prevent tragedies  than I contend that prayer after such a tragedy will fall on deafened ears.


I will say  that prayer pacifies the mind and helps people render their pains to their gods. It is a form of coping added to the grieving process. 

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That is a great article.

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I wonder if those of us with no connection to the people or community involved can properly be said to be grieving. Horrified, angry and sad, yes; but grieving, as in bereaved and in need of consolation, and remembering this tragedy every day for the rest of our lives, I very much doubt.

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Good article. Thanks for sharing. I've passed it along to others.

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