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Well.. not really.


I thought they had debunked this particular piece of evidence...Allan Hills 84001, but I guess not.(!) With more and more evidence from Mars suggesting organic compounds and water in greater quantities than we thought, etc...water ice on Mercury, as well as estimations of something around 100 billion (earth-like/close to) planets in our galaxy alone I find it interesting to revisit this. I know it isn't yet proof - but it sure seems to be headed that way (Europa!)


There's a scientific paper also, referred to in the article.





I have more 'faith' in the probability of life existing elsewhere than I do of any spiritual concepts. I really want to be alive when they find out we aren't the only life in the universe. So they can just hurry the hell up, ya know! (hop to it, xenobiologists!)


I also really want to see how the religious react to it when it happens...


It's an exciting time to be alive!

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Let's be realistic here, they deny so many parts of reality already, denying extraterrestial life will just make the list a tiny bit longer :P


Yep, christianity will evolve (oh the irony) to the belief :lol: that :D ... basic life forms are not "life" and are inferior things that happen all throughout the universe. But what we have is what god made.


They'll explain that those lifeforms are just dust, and the bible says that god made us from dust, so the bible predicted the :( other lifeforms WendyDoh.gif


i am not sure if you be happy if you see those tiny green men claiming they are made in the image of god,,,,


It's probaby been posted on this forum before, but your topic reminded me of



Our "cup of water" may not have any whales in it, but wouldn't it be cool if it turned out to have tiny bits of whale crap in it? OK, maybe that's stretching the analogy a bit, but you get my meaning.


How far out of touch with reality can you go before you are considered insane?  :P


I wonder if some will be relegated to the ranks of the 'flat earthers'.. or, remember the hollow earth theory (is that still around?)


I guess that is a question that can only be answered by God :lol::D

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How far out of touch with reality can you go before you are considered insane?  tongue.png


I wonder if some will be relegated to the ranks of the 'flat earthers'.. or, remember the hollow earth theory (is that still around?)



apparently it is



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So is the flat earth theory, there's actually a flat earth society:




So along the same lines of willful ignorance, I would expect to see a small grouping of life in outer space deniers that against all empirical and obvious evidence and data, would refuse to accept life anywhere else accept earth.


Oi vey... 

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Omg, I've seen it all now :( It really looks like the flat earth thing is serious.


Yeah sadly... and shockingly *snicker* all they need as Proof™ of a flat earth is... da wholly babble :crazy:


Again... where is the line between sane and.. ?


When do we as a society finally say, "K that's enough, you are certifiable." ?


I blame the philosophers.  lol


If doing the same thing and expecting a different result defines insanity, prayer sure fits the bill.

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I could also see the general apologetic theme of blaming the devil. They could say that life on other planets is a deception meant to distract people away from God, because I've heard that already as an excuse for UFO's, Bigfoot, Nessy, etc. I was told as a child that people really do see these things but it's only Satan and his angels playing tricks in order to distract people away from the Bible and learning more about God because they know that their time is running short and Jesus will be coming soon. I heard that at church and at school. So it's not too much of a stretch to extend that apology to the discovery of life on other planets too.


Like the fossils being 'planted' to lead people astray.... *sigh*

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