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Goodbye Jesus

Rewriting Us History To Make It Jesus Friendly!

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Lately I have been really getting learning about American History. I like to discover that some historical figures who are pretty flawed people and how our evolved to what it is now. But I also started find a new bone to pick with Christianity.  I have mix feelings about Oliver Stone, but I agreed with him when he said something along the lines "the US history that most Americans believe is mythology". 
We try to make ourselves and the figure from our history look holier than thou.  Witch results in BS like this.






I could go on a field day naming the problems with this painting but I will just focus on the main one. Which is that it tries to sell the US as nation founded by Christianity and everyone in this painting a Born Again Christian or holier than thou. Not to the mention that it sends the message the US is somehow the Promises land.
Some might argue that this painting might just be an extreme case but from I have been reading is that no, it’s not. Just like how religious movements have tried to rewrite Sciences to fit their beliefs, they do the same with history. I have seen people who tried to justify what the settlers did to Native American, slaves and Native Hawaiians by saying "at least they introduced them to Christianity" I’ve seen people make the claim that Hitler was an Atheist, unlike us "God fearing Americans" who "Saved the day" in WW2 and the Cold war. Some even blaming evolution for Fascism and Communism. But the one that hear the most that drives me insaind is "The Nation was founded on Christianity and that Founding Fathers were all Christians."











None of these people will ever bring up that Jefferson rewrote the bible to make Jesus a more secular and that he openly mocked the divinity of Christ. Even fewer like to mention the writings of Thomas Pain that were very critical of Christianity.  You almost never hear that it was the philosopher John Locke teachings were truly the most influential the constitution, Not Jesus. Then again these same people who make these claims seem to enjoy making the men and women of history seem prefect which is also not true. We turn the founding fathers and more celebrated figures in our history into good role models or even folk heroes. So as a result people become shock when they learn about their more human side.  Like how Abraham Lincoln had views that today would be consider racist,  Benjamin Franklin was a womanizer, Jefferson would be consider be a Pedophile today, and when the founding father said they fought for freedom and liberty it was originally only meant to be for white men. Perfect American Christian Role Models.
I bring this up because I find that when I debate people, mainly conservative Christians, that they are more likely to justify their arguments with myth instead of History. Its pretty annoying when you have to explain American history to other Americans. Am I the only one who finds its very alarming that many Americans don't seem to really know their own history?  

I love that Jesus is wearing a Yggdrasil symbol in the first painting.


You should look at his other stuff. He is can be one the the most unintentionally funny artist out there.



Here are some more of his goofy stuff, and read the description of each guy in the paintings. It makes it even funnier!


Last auto saved: 11:49:41 AM







In case you haven't notice at this point, He kinda think Obama is the Anti-Christ or something






Brother. I missed the point of this at first--I thought it was saying the US is X-ified.

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