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Goodbye Jesus

You Would Say Different....


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Sorry about another Truther post, but this one has a positive spin...


In talking with a Truther who made the comment that all he wanted to see was ONE tear in regards to the families of the Sandy Hook shooting, I responded with, "Even if you did see the tears, you'd say GREAT ACTING!"  Another Truther came aboard and reworded what I said like this: "You would say different if there was different". 


It struck me as a particularly useful comment when it comes to Christians when they tell me, "Even if God revealed himself to you, you still wouldn't believe."  And for the record, I think I would believe if God revealed himself to me.  Would I worship?  That's a different question, but I would have no choice but to believe if I were given the empirical evidence.

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I agree with you, Dan. The burden of proof lies with the claimant. I've often said I'd fall in line if there were one shred of credible evidence.

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I'd sure have a lot of questions id god reveled himself to me.    bii

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