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Goodbye Jesus

I Got A Fb Message...

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And here it is...

This is not easy for me. Just want to drop you a note-
because I believe there is a reason it is on my mind so frequently. God desires
a relationship with you through his son. I pray for this.... I also know that
Satan is powerful in this world and clouds the waters- but Jesus overcame
death. We, under satan's lies overcomplicate, oversimplify, rationalize, hold
grudges, anything really that can separate us from simple truth. Sorry if this
seems to come out of no where. I don't claim to know all the answers to your
past questions... I still have questions.


Hope you get out on your bike and enjoy his beautiful
gifts today.



Here's my reply...  What do you think?



I appreciate the concern and also appreciate someone with
the fortitude to follow their convictions. 
Not enough of us do the same. 
Life is interesting isn't it?  We
follow paths we believe are where we should be and some event or circumstance
throws us off-course... At least, that's how it appears... But after some time,
maybe this is our true course...  I'm not
sure.  But what I do know and feel right
now is that I'm happier having left the belief structure of organized
religion.  For me, it just seemed like a
perpetual guilt trip and I could not reconcile many of my issues with it.  If there is a God, he certainly can't fault
me for my sincerity in my search for truth. 
I don't mean to prove him wrong or anyone else for that matter... What I
do wish to do, is find truth suitable for me - in whatever flavor that may
come.  Regardless... Things make more
sense to me...  We live in a world of
cause and effect.  Everything I observe
points more and more that direction. 
Christians don't live any better lives than non-Christians... They're
just as happy, unhappy, healthy, unhealthy, rich and broke as their
non-believing counter-parts in the human race.


Regarding the relationship... I gave God/Christ my life
from the young age of 8 years old.  I
never felt close to him.  I was always
looking for that special nudge, or that super-natural experience (I wanted it
more than anyone... My father left me and ever came back or sent a letter). But
I never got that.  And I was sincerely
searching... Just as I am now.  A
relationship with Jesus is rather confusing... It always seemed one-sided to
me.  I had to do all these things... Go
to church, give of my limited funds, don't sin, repent etc.... And still then,
I felt my all-loving and compassionate "father" was silent.  It could be argued that the same results I
saw from Christianity are the same ones that could come from something that is
all in my head.  It's pretty sad and
doesn't do Christianity any favors... The placebo effect is very powerful.  But, certainly, this entire Christian
movement may be real... It just didn't end up being that way for me.


I just need order, structure and harmony in my life...
After decades of Christianity and its myriad of short-comings, I had to opt
out.  I've brought up the unjust system
of "belief" and how it simply does not work... Yet we believe this
system is the one used by a "just" god....  I don't believe that to be true.  If he is up there and if he is who Christians
say he is... Then we'll all experience bliss some day.  That's compassion, that mercy and that's


Also, I get Sundays back to ride my bike more.  =)


But, yes I appreciate the thoughts.  They are welcomed.  If you ever want to talk religion... I'd be
glad to. 




  • Like 6

I tried to be gentle...  This whole de-conversion process has made me a bit angry at religion and I tend to be a little more hostile towards Christians for their silly beliefs and I need to tone that shit down. I think I did better here. 

  • Like 2

Nice response. You did a great job of remaining calm and being friendly. That's more than I can do, even now, when it comes to responding to the things Christians say to me to try and convince me to believe what they believe, but like you, I'm getting better at it.


I think you were very diplomatic, and I can definitely understand your anger.


Of course, the person who sent you the message will likely decide that you're just being willfully rebellious or that you are simply under the thrall of satan. There are some open-minded Christians who aren't as judgmental, but unfortunately, there are many who only see us as lost souls to be won back for the Lord.

  • Like 1

And here it is...


Regarding the relationship... I gave God/Christ my life from the young age of 8 years old.  I never felt close to him.  I was always looking for that special nudge, or that super-natural  experience (I wanted it more than anyone... My father left me and ever came back or sent a letter). But I never got that.  And I was sincerely searching... Just as I am now.  A relationship with Jesus is rather confusing... It always seemed one-sided to me.  I had to do all these things... Go to church, give of my limited funds, don't sin, repent etc.... And still then, I felt my all-loving and compassionate "father" was silent. 




I love this description of the one-sided relationship in Christianity. I think this was an excellent response.


I think you were very diplomatic, and I can definitely understand your anger.


Of course, the person who sent you the message will likely decide that you're just being willfully rebellious or that you are simply under the thrall of satan. There are some open-minded Christians who aren't as judgmental, but unfortunately, there are many who only see us as lost souls to be won back for the Lord.

Yes, and it's the blaming of anything we see in the real world on things such as "Satan" and demons and all that, that really sets me off. 



And here it is...


Regarding the relationship... I gave God/Christ my life from the young age of 8 years old.  I never felt close to him.  I was always looking for that special nudge, or that super-natural  experience (I wanted it more than anyone... My father left me and ever came back or sent a letter). But I never got that.  And I was sincerely searching... Just as I am now.  A relationship with Jesus is rather confusing... It always seemed one-sided to me.  I had to do all these things... Go to church, give of my limited funds, don't sin, repent etc.... And still then, I felt my all-loving and compassionate "father" was silent. 




I love this description of the one-sided relationship in Christianity. I think this was an excellent response.

Thanks!  :)  It definitely is one-sided isn't it?  Nobody hears anything.  They make of a situation what they want to make of it.  God's influence in a matter is all in their head. 


This is not easy for me. Just want to drop you a note-

because I believe there is a reason it is on my mind so frequently. God desires

a relationship with you through his son. I pray for this.... I also know that

Satan is powerful in this world and clouds the waters- but Jesus overcame

death. We, under satan's lies overcomplicate, oversimplify, rationalize, hold

grudges, anything really that can separate us from simple truth. Sorry if this

seems to come out of no where. I don't claim to know all the answers to your

past questions... I still have questions.


God desires a relationship with you, but he can't communicate clearly.  If he ever says anything to you, it will be ambiguous.  His words, if there are any, are open to multiple interpretations.  He thrives on being vague, on a personal level.  But still, he wants a relationship with you.  If you refuse, you are possessed by the devil sweetie.




I think the person who sent you this message likes you, and desires a relationship with you.

  • Like 1

LOL, I hope not! 


Good response! The whole onesided thing is very true & many believers just ignore it & the placebo effect. I wonder if he'll respond?


I thought you were extremely gentle.


Good response! The whole onesided thing is very true & many believers just ignore it & the placebo effect. I wonder if he'll respond?

Man, I seriously doubt it.  That was his attempt to win me over.  I think he realizes now that I'm "too far gone" in a sense.  haha

  • Like 1

If your wife doesn't know about your deconversion....who is this guy?


If your wife doesn't know about your deconversion....who is this guy?

Someone my wife doesn't know. 


Fair enough. 


I just read your OP.  It sounds very honest and genuine.  I hope he can appreciate that.  I could imagine somebody who believes strongly taking several points on that as attacks on their faith (if they choose to, hopefully he won't).  But I totally understand and agree with everything you said. 


I thought it was a very nice response.  It's something that I've been working on with my interactions with other Christians as well.  There was a point where I wanted to argue with them all and prove them wrong, but I realized I wasn't going to change anyone's mind by acting that way.


I think you responded perfectly! I find this the best way to be with people who are sincere in their pursuit to "help" you.  This person didn't intend harm to you, so no need to blow up or force your own lack of belief on them.


Those who try to push their BS on you after you've given them your nice, thoughtful explanation, however.  Those people deserve to be challenged by "Satan". zDuivel7.gif

  • Like 1


 If there is a God, he certainly can't fault me for my sincerity in my search for truth. 


For me, this says it all... even if I am in the wrong, I didn't live a lie out of fear and truly and sincerely went where the evidence led me.




 If there is a God, he certainly can't fault me for my sincerity in my search for truth. 


For me, this says it all... even if I am in the wrong, I didn't live a lie out of fear and truly and sincerely went where the evidence led me.

Hell yeah!  That's what it's really all about isn't it? 


The division this whole "belief" thing between Christians and non-believers causes.  Why am I worthy of punishment because I can't believe in your version of truth?!  Why would you willfully worship a god who you believe will eternally punish someone because they can't believe his version of truth?  It's all so ridiculous! 


What we believe in is largely due to experiences and outcomes we have no control over.  It paints our own version of reality and now you're telling me, I just have to accept your version of reality or else?  Well, WTF!?  That doesn't even make any sense.  It's so intellectually stupid...  Ugh... This is where my sweater of faith started to unravel.... I pulled on the "belief" string and the whole damn thing turned into a ball of yarn at my feet.


Wow, that was a lot nicer than I would have been. I just posted a thread that has a response I sent to someone who forwarded me a bulk E-mail of Christian BS. My way of saying, 'take me off your mailing list asshat'. It's called 'Hello, My name is Jesus Christ, and I'm in your Inbox'.

  • Like 1

Yeah, that's an excellent reply. 


Wow, that was a lot nicer than I would have been. I just posted a thread that has a response I sent to someone who forwarded me a bulk E-mail of Christian BS. My way of saying, 'take me off your mailing list asshat'. It's called 'Hello, My name is Jesus Christ, and I'm in your Inbox'.

Yup, you did an excellent job in your reply. 



Good response! The whole onesided thing is very true & many believers just ignore it & the placebo effect. I wonder if he'll respond?

Man, I seriously doubt it.  That was his attempt to win me over.  I think he realizes now that I'm "too far gone" in a sense.  haha

Yeah, you've gone down the devilish slippery slope of questioning & doubting. :D :D


" If there is a God, he certainly can't fault me for my sincerity in my search for truth."


That line is perfect. I am going to save it for future use.  It won't phase Xtians;  They won't accept the truth that you were 100% sincere. Hell, if they did, that would mean they are wrong. And they can/t fathom that now, can they?   bill


I can only imagine what it would be like to not be able to consider that I was wrong about something. 


Maybe we should turn that question around more often..you know the whole, "what would it take to get you to believe in god?"


Let's ask, "what would it take to get you to believe there is no god?"


If they can't imagine an answer to that question, they aren't being honest with themselves or with the world.  Because EVERY belief is circumstantial.  I don't believe even in unconditional love.  What would it take me to stop loving my own child for instance (Whenever I do have one)?  If I could come up with an answer for THAT question (which I can), surely a devout christian can come up with an answer for my question above.


I can only imagine what it would be like to not be able to consider that I was wrong about something. 


Maybe we should turn that question around more often..you know the whole, "what would it take to get you to believe in god?"


Let's ask, "what would it take to get you to believe there is no god?"


If they can't imagine an answer to that question, they aren't being honest with themselves or with the world.  Because EVERY belief is circumstantial.  I don't believe even in unconditional love.  What would it take me to stop loving my own child for instance (Whenever I do have one)?  If I could come up with an answer for THAT question (which I can), surely a devout christian can come up with an answer for my question above.


What would it take to get me to believe in God? Hmmm .... Considers cash or sexual favors. :-)

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