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Goodbye Jesus

God Genes Revisited

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When I discovered that I have a variation on the COMT gene (several actually) that causes more dopamine levels than average, this all began to make sense. I also came to understand why I was drawn to churches where I bet others had similar levels which alters the way we interpret things. 


High dopamine can be linked to hallucinations and schizophrenia and when I was an Xer, I was very immersed in it, very very very spiritual and "profound". I felt connected to God and all airy and peaceful. Then, when I NEEDED god, well, ha....you know the deal.


It was all really just my genes. 


I also wonder about those who do not have these variation and are also Xers in a different way. I know many xers who just made a choice and do their thing, others who are rational and go out to serve. Seems Xism has permeated all kinds of genetic variations, though I think those of us who pass on our madness to religion may have a harder time. 


I am wondering how much our genes prevent us from leaving, cause us to cling to , cause us to want religions and cause us to make no sense of it. 


Has anyone else had genotyping? 


It seems to me that if religious experience can be interpreted through gene variations, well, what is the truth then ?


I will never trust my airy urges again. 


Interesting. Is "genotyping" simply having a DNA test? Do they tell you who your ancestors are, and also tell you about health related stuff?


I used 23 and Me and Promethease. 






It's only $99 and then you can put your raw data into Promethease for only $5. I am not part of either group but damn! I love them both and wish I was!!


Yes, it shows it all, even how much Neanderthal you have in you! I am not sure how much stock you can put in all of it yet, but it sure did help me organize some health issues. It also helped me realize why I was so obsessed with religion. 


I've been thinking of doing this, and have thought about starting a topic to see if others had done it and whether they thought it was worth it or not. Sounds like it was a good experience for you.

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