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Gnostic Christians

Guest Tiffany

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Guest Tiffany

Has anyone here ever heard of "psychic" Sylvia Browne?


I followed small parts of the teachings of this "psychic" for many years but the more I study all of her work the more I want to call bullshit on the whole lot of it.


Please take some time to browse her website or read the quote below and tell me what you think, I need some ammunition to use against the members of my family who follow her teachings as if they come from God himself (because she says they do).




"The way of all peace is to scale the mountain of Self. Loving others makes the climb down easier. We see all things darkly until love lights the lamp of the Soul."


The above words form the first tenet of Novus Spiritus. Within them lies the basic philosophy of the Society, namely: Life is a long journey of discovery, wherein each person must meet - and love - themselves, overcome their own fears, and learn the truth about loving. It is a process of perfecting the innate, God-given beauty of the Soul.


Sylvia Browne, Founder

In April 1986, Sylvia Browne embarked upon the most important chapter of her life. She founded a spiritual organization called Society of Novus Spiritus. This decision was a natural extension of her love for God and for all of humanity. Novus is Sylvia's monument to God, a forum to express the joy and love that is God - with no fear, no guilt, no sin, no hell, and no Satan. Through Novus, Sylvia gives the world a means to understand God, Life, and the reason for Being.


Sylvia's life has always revolved around God, being raised and educated in the Catholic faith, then going on to teach in the parochial school system for seventeen years. In addition, she has an unparalleled psychic ability. Since her late teens, Sylvia has been using her gift to help thousands of people. This prophetic ability has been tested many times, and each test turns into another testimonial of paranormal cognition.


The end result of Sylvia's devotion to God, and her gift of prophecy, is Novus Spiritus. Combining His love, with direct revelation of His plan, creates a New Spirit and a new understanding about life. Is this new view of life true? Each individual must make that decision, for we always say:


"Take what you like and leave the rest behind."


Yet the truth of Sylvia's words will become manifest of their own accord. When a person listens to the philosophy, and those words strike a cord of truth within the soul, then one must take heed. When those words have that familiar feeling of being correct, where the mind and heart say "that makes sense," then one must listen — for that is the God within asking for entrance to your mind. We believe that God can, and must, be understood.








Why Novus was Founded

Novus was founded for several types of people:


Those wishing to accelerate the perfection of their soul.

Those who need an expanded dimension to their faith.

Those who find no reasonable explanation of God or life.

Those who are confused by traditional religion, and need more than faith alone in their search for God.

Novus Spiritus stands in accord with all of today's religions. We feel that every church has fundamental Truth and we encourage each person to find a means of worship. Perhaps Novus will be yours. In addition, we find many people are joining Novus even though they are happy with their current faith. Our goal is to open each mind to the splendor of God, allowing the intellect to grasp the Divine.


Novus believes that any question asked can be answered. There is no need to rely upon faith alone. Just as God gave us an inquiring mind, so too, He gave us the means to resolve its questions. Novus appeals to those who need an intellectual basis for God; we do not appeal to those who are content to follow blindly and never question the basis of their beliefs.


Novus is a place of learning, growing, and sharing in the Spirit of Christ Consciousness. It is a way to be among people of common beliefs, to understand life, and to provide a means to help others.








Gnostic Christians

Since the earliest times the Gnostics (from the Greek word gnosis - meaning knowledge) have espoused the primacy of intellect over faith. Novus follows that idea. Indeed, we find that you may directly experience God's wisdom. One such way is through Sylvia Browne, yet any person may also reach into the mind of God, thereby finding great truths. And never forget, every person is part of God. This means anyone can be an agent for the Divine, and reveal great wisdom from Him (and Her!).


Novus Spiritus regards understanding as more important than faith. We find that people today need to satisfy their intellect, in addition to their beliefs, where traditional religions do not address this issue. A lack of understanding can impede one's spiritual growth, for without a solid reason for life, many people will merely say:


"There cannot be a loving God, as evidenced by the pain and suffering in our world."


The task then is to disclose the cause, and meaning, of the pain and suffering so rampant in our world. The erroneous conclusion that God cannot exist is based upon ignorance of the meaning of life. We will show later how a loving God can exist even when set against the background of our world.


Notwithstanding the above, faith does have a role. The premise of God's existence cannot be proven in a scientific sense. Hence, we accept the following concepts without proof:


God exists

God is perfect

God is pure love and intellect









For the record, God is blameless. He is not prone to the human traits of vengeance, hate, or crankiness. He is a constant, pure, loving intellect. God does not sit around all day, then suddenly invoke damnation on a hapless person. Never. If that were the case, then God would be imperfect, which cannot be.

How then are we to recognize and understand God? This question has occupied mankind since the dawn of reason. Note here that primitive man does not ask such silly questions. For them, God simply is, which is sufficient unto itself.


The definition of God has eluded the greatest minds of this world. One philosopher stated, "God is that, greater than which, nothing can be conceived." Is this correct? Sort of, but there is much more to God.


A definition of God is not really the main goal here. Far better than mere words is the personal experience of knowing God. The act of touching the Divine provides all the definition anyone could want, and it usually defies words. There are many words describing this sudden knowing of the Divine, among them are:


born again - nirvana - satori

enlightenment - epiphany - samadhi



His Nature

The fundamental nature of God is:


God exists - God is perfect - God is pure love and intellect.


As stated earlier, God does not exhibit the many petty traits which afflict humanity. There is no room in the perfect Being for such nonsense. Attendant with His perfection is a steady love for His creations, a never wavering compassion, and a constant companion along the way. Whatever you experience, God too has felt it, right by your side. For within you lies a spark of the Divine.


God is simple; people are complex.


His Name

"I am who am" comes down to us from the Old Testament (Ex. 3:14), and the speaker goes on to instruct Moses to tell the Israelites, "I AM sent me ...". So the first reference to His name is not very clear. Actually, the Hebrew version of this is YHWH (pronounced Yahweh), which appears more than 6000 times in the Hebrew bible.


Only in the New Testament does the word "father" become a proper name for God. This was consistent with Christ's message to the world of a loving God, not the God of wrath as depicted in the Old Testament. Some other names used for God are:


El - Hebrew for "to be strong"

Elohim - Plural of El

Adonai - "My Lord"

Shaddai - "Almighty"

Elyon - "Most High"

Qadosh - "the Holy One"

Jehovah - mixed form of YHWH and Adonai

OM - Sanskrit word for supreme entity

Brahma - Hindu term for supreme entity

Allah - Islamic term for supreme entity

The bottom line is that God has many names, and it is not very important which language is used. The important fact is to know that He is addressable, however you choose. Novus Spiritus likes to use "OM" as His formal name, and "Father" as an endearment.


Her Name

Does it startle you even to think of a Female God? It should, because our society has been misled (for about 2000 years) and taught that God is only male. How ridiculous! Why would a single, male god make everything in creation as a paired male/female? It is much more sensible that God's creation mirrors Their own image, both male and female.


Does the Bible offer any support for a female counterpart to God? Yes indeed! In fact, a very interesting statement was left in the Bible (Genesis 1:26, The New Jerusalem Bible, 1985) which supports a dualistic nature for God, namely:


"Let us make man in our own image,

in the likeness of ourselves ...."


Pay heed that the above quote uses a plural reference to God. Naturally one wants to know about these other gods. Could it have been a mistake in the Bible? (Even this has not been proposed by the established church.) Or is this a reference to the doctrine of a "triune" God, i.e., the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? No, it cannot be the Trinity either, for that was developed in the New Testament many thousands of years later!


The most simplistic explanation is the obvious one, that there are multiple gods. The exact number of gods is uncertain, but Novus accepts at least two: Om - the Father God, and Azna - the Mother God. We believe that the Gods are paired male/female just like all of creation, and just like the Bible tells us in Genesis.


How did the name Azna come about? Easily, through Francine, Sylvia's Spirit Guide. Francine reports that the Mother God is a vital and active force in the daily affairs of our world. In fact, Azna is the one to petition when you need Divine intervention to resolve problems. Where the Father God maintains a constant loving force, the Mother God will actively take an interest in helping you and can change things around to make life better.


Anytime we use the word "God," please understand that we imply both the Male and Female Gods. For together They made our world and are the loving Parents of humanity.



Christ lived and died upon this world; he is our Lord and the "Son of God" (as are we all). Novus believes that he brought God's word to mankind, and was martyred for it. We follow the principal teachings of Christ, namely:


Love God with your whole heart. mind. and soul.

Love thy neighbor as thyself.


These above two thoughts form the basis for Christianity, and through them the entirety of heaven is open to you. We agree with Christ when he said (John 14:6):


"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me."


Since Christ equates himself to "the way, the truth, and the life," a logically equivalent statement is:


"No one comes to the Father but through the way, and the truth, and the life."


Hence, if you follow the teachings of Christ then the doors of heaven (the eternal Home) open. Do remember however, Novus feels that Christ's teachings are simply the two statements above. We do not hold that Christ was God, nor that he died for our "sins," nor that he rose from the dead.


Every religion has truth, and Novus fully embraces people from every religion. Indeed, we could be called Jewish, Buddhist, Moslem, Hindu, Taoist, etc. as well as Christian because we are a Spiritual organization, which means we look above religious differences to get to the Great Truth which covers them all. In fact, all religions (when stripped of their dogma) boil-down to a very simple creed:


Love God, Love One Another.


Fortunately, God sent many prophets to this world. And every one of them espoused the same basic philosophy of Christ. This, of course, allows all of God's children to find their way home. And God, in His mercy, has a way for every one of His people to return home. The paths are many, and all people will be saved. Francine said it very well:


"This philosophy will not save your soul, but it will make your soul worth saving."


The Bible

Novus views the Bible as a marvelous book of learning and hope for a (then) tired world. The message of hope is the New Testament, with wonderful truths from a Master. And the Old Testament provides a diary of the path to perfection that awaits every person.


Is the Bible the unaltered word of God? No. It simply cannot be, due to the centuries of social, political, language, and geographical changes. In fact, the current Bible is not even complete. Many books have been deleted in order to preserve the church's power. The most glaring purge was at the Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in 325 ce.






Reason for Life





Every person, indeed every sentient being, is like a newspaper reporter. And the main Editor for them all is God. This is the reason for life: to witness for God all of His knowledge. Along the way, we must learn the meaning of being good and to perfect our soul in the process.


Knowledge vs Experience

God is pure love and intellect, which means He knows everything there is to know. Yet pure knowledge without experience is empty and incomplete.


For example, if you read a book on how to build a boat, does that mean you can actually go do it? Not usually, for the knowledge is necessary, true enough, but it is not sufficient by itself to complete the job. To physically do something is entirely different from simply knowing about it.


Another example is the mystery of setting up your VCR. Even with diligent reading of the book, and endless diagrams, the task reverts to trial and error for success. Then (oh my God) add the complexity of cable TV and the brain simply fizzles. Those brave souls doing this always fear the day the VCR must be disconnected. Can it ever be reconnected?


Why then did God create us? Easy. To experience His knowledge. Does that seem imperfect? Why would the Divine ever need to rely on mere humans? How can we reconcile God's being perfect and then say that God actually needs us?


Emotional Side of God

God is pure love and intellect. He is also static, that is, not moving yet always present. We live, move, and have our Being within God.


The misconception most people have is that God is separate from us. Not true. That feeling is a result of being trapped on Earth, bound by time and space. Most of us labor with a homesickness our whole life, an incompleteness that has no name. This feeling is exactly the result of being in the physical world, where the soul is not free to love and be loved without bound. The body itself is a barrier to the total experience of another person, and the world is a barrier which prevents the total experience of God.


Since God is a static intellect, how does He experience His knowledge? Through His creations, us. How does God manifest His pure love? Again, through us. In fact, God's creations are the emotional side of Him. Put another way:


People embody God's love and emotion, not as a separate part of Him, but as the actual essence of His love. We are the experiencing, emotional God Himself.


This fact answers the question posed earlier: Is it imperfect for God to rely upon us for His experience? No, for we are Him. Please note that just because we are God's emotion does not imply we are also perfect. The discrepancy is due to the fact that we are not also His perfect intellect, and we have the free will to choose between positive and negative. This allows our emotion to become off-track without proper intellectual control.


Also, since God is perfect, all of us have always existed. He did not exist without emotion, suddenly decide to have some, then create us. Just as God always was, so too were all of us.


Perfection of the Soul

Every person was created by God in a perfect state of grace. However, we were also in a perfect state of ignorance. Our job is to experience His knowledge, and learn the true meaning of truth, love, justice, etc. To do so is the most important task set before us all. To complicate things, God gave us free will in our actions, we can actually choose between doing good or not.


In the Bible, the story is told of man's fall from grace by grasping for knowledge. Novus agrees with that parable. To complete one's knowledge, people incarnate as a means to experience knowledge. In so doing, we actually leave heaven (state of grace) to inhabit the physical world (fall from grace).


The idea here is that true experience, with free will, cannot be accomplished in a perfect environment (namely heaven, the eternal abode, called the Other Side). So God created physical worlds (yes, more than one) as places for us to gain knowledge and perfect our soul.


Perfection of the soul is the primary goal for all of us. The way to do it is by living upon an imperfect world, choosing to do good or not. The world is our school, complete with tests, where you are the student. Just by living in this negative environment you gain perfection. Each soul must decide upon their own level of perfection.


The idea stated earlier, that we are reporters for God, has another twist. It is called your "Theme," which acts to flavor all of your experiences. For example, if you were assigned as the "Sports Reporter" for God, then your job is to view everything from the sports angle. You must see how world events affect the sporting scene, and to know its impact on the local sports fans. Your entire perspective is filtered through this sports analyzer.


Themes are much like the above analogy. Every person carries a major and minor Theme through life. The effect is to flavor all of your experiences as they relate to your Theme. Some Themes discovered so far are:


Loner - Cause Fighter - Patience

Survivor - Humanitarian - Warrior


Altogether, Novus has found forty-five different Themes. A separate book is available which fully describes the Themes, their meaning, and how to determine yours.


The end result of living, surviving, and perfecting is to know the true meaning of being good. The road is not easy, but you can do it. The reward is to live forever in a state of grace on the Other Side, having earned your position with love.

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James Randi invited Sylvia Browne to prove she's psychic....so far, she hasn't responded!


She claimed that she did but James was being deceptive, yadda yadda yadda....

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Novus Spiritus borrows from Gnostic Christianity only very lightly. NS is a watered-down New Age version of the real thing. I doubt Sylvia has actually read any of the Gnostic gospels other than the Gospel of Thomas.


Trust me, if you've read The Hypostasis of the Archons, Thunder Perfect Mind and other Gnostic works, you could pick the tenets of Novus Spiritus apart piece by piece. In fact, I may do so after I graduate from college (just two weeks), as I'll have some more time at my disposal.

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Guest MysticVoid

Following any psychic or religious person blindly is not good. I am leery of anyone public or private who claims to be transmitting the words of God, the "real truth" , the "real story" of how everything went down. That in itself is a giant ego warning.


From what I have seen of Sylvia on tv,she seems to be good at reading people, and lousy at predicting world events. Especially political ones . I think her own prejudices in that area get in the way, and it's really obvious.


On tv I have seen her telling a scared lady that the little red ball in a piece of film she took was an angel, and that all such balls (orbs) are angels. This particular orb was obviously a camera refraction, and moved in sync with the camera shake- DUH. It has been pretty much known for a while that most orbs in photos are caused by dust.


She also tells people repeatedly that ghosts can't harm you. Yet she also tells people they better get out of that haunted house !!


And, dammit- she chews those ultra long fingernails like they're made of candy! EW !!! CUT IT OUT ALREADY !!!


Worst of all though, I think is calling one of her books Mother God. How ignorant and insulting is that? If you are writing about the Goddess, have the guts to say it, not cloak it in a God coating to be more acceptable to the masses. I read the stuff above where she says that when she uses God, she is implying both male and female. Nope. Sorry. Doesn't work . Try it the other way around and see how that sounds. When we say Goddess, we will be implying God is included there too. Only 2005 more years to go to even things out on that one then.


More personally, I just think no good can come from all this mix of bastard christerdom and new age stuff. But it's not illegal. You just end up with even more obnoxious christers.

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Guest Tiffany
And, dammit- she chews those ultra long fingernails like they're made of candy! EW !!! CUT IT OUT ALREADY !!!



LOL! :lmao:


Thank you all for this, I'll try to use some of the points you brought up here to DE-brainwash my family.

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Guest MysticVoid

I don't think you can de-brainwash them. I would try deluging them with so much Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer Fatuous Bastard , and Caroline Christo Kabballah Myss books & tapes that they get sick of it and hopefully evolve out of it. Get them into conflicting channelings on all the great truths & mysteries . The mind can only stand so much .

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And don't forget to click on the link near the bottom that says, "Click to hear Sylvia's latest answer." :lmao:

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Has anyone here ever heard of "psychic" Sylvia Browne?


I followed small parts of the teachings of this "psychic" for many years but the more I study all of her work the more I want to call bullshit on the whole lot of it.


Please take some time to browse her website or read the quote below and tell me what you think, I need some ammunition to use against the members of my family who follow her teachings as if they come from God himself (because she says they do).



I'm in the same boat as you. She used to amaze me when I was a christian. i used to watch her on the Montel Williams show. Now I know she is a total fraud.


I heard recently that when somebody is telling the truth about something they look at you or at the ground because they are using a certain part of their brain to recall that memory. When somebody is lying, though, they will look upwards which means they are creating a new story to tell you. Sylvia is ALWAYS looking upwards when giving a reading.


Have you seen her predictions for the next 100 years? Some are just obvious technical advances...others are retarded.

Sylvias next 100 years predictions


There will be no US Presidency; our government will go back to a Greek Senate structure.
No longer a single Pope, but a triumvirate of Popes, each assigned to a geographic collection of Catholics.
After 2050, the "Age of the Messiah" is upon us. People turn totally toward Spirituality, peace will rein for a long time. People will return to community living, loving each other, and working together.
she'll be dead by then and wont have to worry about correcting herself.
By 2055 most people will live in domed cities due to poor atmospheric conditions.
A virtual reality headset will stimulate brain waves so people can learn whole libraries of information within hours.


and my personal favorite:

Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet. They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids.
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Guest Tiffany
I don't think you can de-brainwash them. I would try deluging them with so much Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer Fatuous Bastard , and Caroline Christo Kabballah Myss books & tapes that they get sick of it and hopefully evolve out of it. Get them into conflicting channelings on all the great truths & mysteries . The mind can only stand so much .


She's like a cult leader because she says take what you want from my teachings and leave the rest, so whenever I find something about her crap to talk to my family about they just say "well take what you want from it and leave the rest". If I bring up that there are no such things as people who can talk with the dead, I'm looked at as if I'm saying this just to be an attention get-er, me and my communist, tree huggin, hippy-liberal agenda.


Never do they take anything I have ever said in my whole life seriously.

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Anti-gravitational devices....AKA thousands of ignorant slaves spending their entire lives serving a pharoah so they can get to "heaven".


Maybe she means illegal aliens? :shrug:

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Guest Tiffany
and my personal favorite:


Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010


Well, she's got 4 more years before she proves herself wrong ... Oh wait! She had thought out how to cover such mistakes, she says she's only 80% right about her powers. 80% of my fantastic guesses would come true too. :vent:

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Guest JP1283

An ex-coworker of mine had an experience with Sylvia Browne. She had gone to see a taping of some TV show, however the audience filled up and they didn't have room for her. They offered her a seat in the audience of the Montel Williams Show; they had Sylvia Browne on that day. Apparently, Sylvia channeled my coworkers dead brother and relayed messages to her, such as how he was in heaven painting and to tell her mother that she didn't need to feel guilty anymore. Apparently she also knew that he had Cerebral Paulsy. She believes it was for real.

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Guest Tiffany
An ex-coworker of mine had an experience with Sylvia Browne.  She had gone to see a taping of some TV show, however the audience filled up and they didn't have room for her.  They offered her a seat in the audience of the Montel Williams Show; they had Sylvia Browne on that day.  Apparently, Sylvia channeled my coworkers dead brother and relayed messages to her, such as how he was in heaven painting and to tell her mother that she didn't need to feel guilty anymore.  Apparently she also knew that he had Cerebral Paulsy.  She believes it was for real.


I would ask her if she remembers talking to any of the other guests or staff about her family or what she expected to get out of the show, because john Edward's had microphones, staff in the crowd, and a pre-interview before you even got to your seat.


I got that from Pinn and Teller's show Bullshit.


Funny fact: Montel is the only show she will ever do (To hard to move the microphones?)

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Guest JP1283
I would ask her if she remembers talking to any of the other guests or staff about her family or what she expected to get out of the show, because john Edward's had microphones, staff in the crowd, and a pre-interview before you even got to your seat.


I got that from Pinn and Teller's show Bullshit.


Funny fact: Montel is the only show she will ever do (To hard to move the microphones?)


She said that she didn't talk to anyone at all.

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Guest Tiffany
She said that she didn't talk to anyone at all.


I have to admit I'm still thinking about paying the $800.00 (more or less) to get a private reading done just to find out if she's the real thing of not.

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I know I must sound so niave....but I never thought she was a fake before....she was always my backup belief system of sorts (long story).

But it seems like ever since I left christianity, ALL my old belief systems are crashing down around me, LOL. This is kinda hard all at once...it's just more than I bargained for, but I AM searching for TRUTH so that's ok too.


*leaves singing "another one bites the dust* :lmao:

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I have to admit I'm still thinking about paying the $800.00 (more or less) to get a private reading done just to find out if she's the real thing of not.


Don't do that!!!!


This is exactly what these people do this stuff for. The money!


Besides, before you go and do something like this, come and see me.


For the low-low price of $750.00, I'll talk to you all day long and tell you anything that you want! :ugh:

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Guest Ratioann

Sylvia Brown and her group are most certainly not christians. They just want to make people feel good enough about themselves to open their wallet. Total crap.

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Guest JP1283
Sylvia Brown and her group are most certainly not christians. They just want to make people feel good enough about themselves to open their wallet. Total crap.


Are you one of those Christians who thinks psychics are eeeeeeeviiiillllll?


Welcome to the forum, BTW.



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Sylvia Brown and her group are most certainly not christians. They just want to make people feel good enough about themselves to open their wallet. Total crap.



I think she's a strange person, possibly with some powers but not Godly. I can't stand her attitude, she irritates me to no end. I see her starting to try to relate to Catholic Christians probably for more $$$. Not sure.

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Guest Ratioann
Are you one of those Christians who thinks psychics are eeeeeeeviiiillllll?


Welcome to the forum, BTW.





Thank You for the welcome


Yeah, I think psychics are evil.

I find the "real" ones a bit creepy..they ain't talkin' too God...


The fake-O ones are just lame

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Guest JP1283
Thank You for the welcome


Yeah, I think psychics are evil.

I find the "real" ones a bit creepy..they ain't talkin' too God...


The fake-O ones are just lame


Why do you think psychics are evil? I had an experience with a psychic once and I must say that it was a truly positive experience, compared to one I had with a Christian pastor who supposedly was shown visions by God. The psychic really helped me; the pastor put me through hell on earth.

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