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Goodbye Jesus

Afireinside's Poetic Response To Friendlychristian

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I didn't want this poem to get lost among all the comments in the Lion's Den.   Afireinside gave me permission to copy his poem here.   The original can be found in the Charismatics: Was I Ever Really Born Again thread, post #36 in the Lion's Den.  His poem is an awesome response to True Christianstm everywhere and describes how so many of us feel.  Thank you, afireinside.

Thanks friendly Christian, after you're spirit led analysis of me I was spurred to write a poem

My broken heart called to you in sincerity
When I was vulnerable, without defenses
I claimed the promises you offered me
Without doubt, devoid of pretenses

You said follow the narrow path
My joy would be made complete
But when I grew weak and fell face first
You failed to bring me back to my feet

Yet I crawled on bloodied hands and knees
It was not you're fault, it was all mine
The said strength came through trials
And the answers would come with time

Now it seems you were never there
And all along I was deceived and alone
As I now retreat and face the truth
Self righteous fucking pilgrims say "brother come on home"

Oh and god you parted the Red Sea
How about supernaturally deactivating some land mines in Cambodia and Vietnam
You also showered manna down for 40 years in the Sinai desert
How about some of that shit for the starving kids in Niger and Sudan

Sorry guess you're too busy right now
Finding parking spots for the smug white middle class
So when you're done you can take your fucking bullshit word
And shove it up your all knowing ass!!


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