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Goodbye Jesus

Long Time, No See

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Hey, guys. I'm sorry it's been such a long time. I've been meaning to come on here for so long now, but I've been incredibly busy. Even now I don't really have time, so I'm just stopping by to say hi.


I am proud to announce that my anxiety concerning Christianity has dropped significantly; it's still there, but it's not freaking me out as much and when it does, I can deal with it. For all my fellow ex-C's struggling, I hope that you are finding the same gradual improvement.


My boyfriend also ended up dumping me about a month ago. He gave me five different excuses and now he's acting like an asshole to me (telling me to "suck it up", shoving his hand in my face, etc.) It's extremely annoying... I'm grateful to him for his part in my deconversion but it's been difficult adapting to the breakup. Ah well.


The primary reason for my business is school... I am massed by work, which is why I haven't been coming on more recently. I miss you all and think about this forum on a near-daily basis. Fortunately, spring break is coming up soon for me, which means I can properly visit ex-christian.net soon!!


How are all you doing? I just wanted to stop by for what it's worth and let you know you're all on my mind, and I'm so thankful and grateful to have each and every one of you in my life.




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Good to hear from you again, AA.  Sorry about things with your boyfriend, though.


Nice to hear from you.  Come by again when you have time.


Hi AA, good to hear from you!  I'm like you, my anxiety over leaving xianity has lessened considerably and I'm getting to know me for a change.  Glad you are busy with school but sad about your break up.  You are handling it well.  Take care, sweetie, and looking forward to hearing from you soon.  


I'm glad to see you! Anyways, I can relate. The guy I was seeing decided he didn't want me anymore, right before Valentine's Day. He said he was a xtian early on, but I figured it was more out of a cultural thing to seem socially acceptable, so I took a chance. That was unfortunately one of many red flags, and he was an asshole after about a month into it. I would suggest going no contact with him. The sooner you can cut him out of your life altogether, the quicker you can move on. It may seem like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but there's no baby in that bathwater, and it's what you need to do in order to heal. I'll think twice before I get into another relationship with another xtian ever again, that's for damn sure, even a cultural self-identified one.


The anxiety I felt towards leaving religion after I gave it my best shot lessened with time. Now it's not even an issue for me. Dr. Winell mentioned something in her book called the "idea monster." It's the inner voice that tells you that you need to go back to church, that you don't deserve a shot at happiness in life, etc, if I remember right. Once you read up on religion's sick scare tactics, it becomes easier to tune your idea monster out.


I'm glad you stopped in to say hi and glad your anxiety has calmed a bit.


Good luck with school!


Don't think our paths have crossed before, but glad to (virtually) meet you

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