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How To Determine If Your Religious Liberty Is Being Threatened In Just 10 Quick Questions

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Here's a little questionnaire that could come in handy when Christians claim their religious liberty is being infringed upon:


"How to Determine If Your Religious Liberty Is Being Threatened in Just 10 Quick Questions"



I liked this article, but it appears her message might only be heard by the choir.  Reading the comments section is truly scary.  The number of xtians who are brainwashed into believing they are being persecuted or losing their religious liberty is amazing.  


^^I found the comments frightening also.  So many of them are only doubled convinced of their persecution after reading the article.  


I thought the article made excellent points.  Even when I was a xian, I would have agreed with it.  Where I live, there are four churches within walking distance and people freely attend every week.  How are they persecuted here?


I'm banging my head at some of the comments. I did like the article.


501[c]3 only limits political speech and it is not a requirement. Religious institutions can opt to not be 501[c]3 and be free to push any political agenda they want. Hell, even 501[c]3 churches often do cross the line in political comments without any government retribution, even though they've technically broken the law.




The template for each question was:


My religious liberty is at risk because:


A. I am prohibited from practicing my religion/beliefs is some way, shape, or form.

B. I am not allowed to impose my religion and its restrictions upon others who do not share my beliefs.


Many betrayed through their comments that they thought that option B being true constitutes their religious liberties being denied.


I support protecting religious liberty as defined by the A options (consistent with my definition), but apparently their definition of religious liberty is different from mine.  Fine.  If the B options define religious liberty, then you know what?  Religious liberty should be taken away, not protected.


Edit: I should have added that that imposing their religion and its restrictions upon others who do not share their beliefs is a feature of some people's or group's religious position.  Those elements of their religion should not only not be protected, but should be categorically denied.  Of course that trivially denies religious freedom for those who do not share ​your religion, as well as denying freedom from religion.  Likewise, for any religious mandates that imposes harm and would not be tolerated in sane society, such as allowing your children to die rather than get medical treatment for them because it is against your religion.

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