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Something That Really Pissed Me Off!

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Hey Folks,


I want your input here because It's really pissed me off. And still does when I think back on it.


In 2010 I went to Romania with the Church on a Mission Trip to teach less fortunate kids English and also about God!


In Romania there is a group of people call the 'Roma' and they are literally the lowest of the low against other Romanians and Hungraians.


Well on this trip we went to this YMCA Complex and rich kids from Hungray and Romania came,  But there was also 5 - 6 younger Roma kids that no one associated.


One day I seen the other kids playing with the other leaders and I looked back and seen the Roma kids in the bedroom staring out at everyone.  - I asked why they did not come out and was told they are wierd they are like that.


I decided to go and play with them,  I played hide and seek for 1 - 2 hours then the Leader of our group pulled me aside and said.


'you have to stop playing with them Romas,  It doesn't look right and im sure you know people will start to think things!'


he then went on to say.


'It's ok I wont let anyone else know about this but just don't be going near them'.


That split me in half - He essentially called me a Pedo and for the fear he struck in me I never went near any of the kids the rest of my trip which was difficult considering it was an English camp for Kids!!!!


Yet when I looked around at the other leaders I seen them hugging / lifting / tickiling / giving piggy backs and I never did anything remotely like that because I know how things like that can look!

  • Moderator

It sounds to me like he didn't want you associating with the lowest caste.  Are you sure that it was the appearance of pedo behavior that he was concerned about?  That's low and I would think unusual that a ministry trip would ignore the outcasts.


I think it was because the Roma are truly hated in that part of the world.  They are severely discriminated against and aren't hired or trusted, and they do lie/cheat/steal, including the kids.  It's a Catch-22 situation because you have to eat, whether you have a legal job or not.


It's interesting that those kids even got into the YMCA Complex.  It's sad that 5 or 6 kids couldn't even be trusted enough in that group being so out-numbered and watched, especially among the missionaries. 


The situation's been going on for generations and there aren't going to be any easy solutions, but it's sad that those 5 or 6 kids couldn't be given a few hours of feeling a bit accepted.  You gave them that, and you did the right thing.




The Leader and me had several clashes he was there mostly for the other 3 missionary girls whom he kept flirting with.


I just felt sorry for those wee kids,  As you have said Roma are quite low in Romanian society and hence why the YMCA IKE camp took them.


Maybe he was judging them by their colour but I felt offended in the way he worded it!  In Romania child laws do not exist one of the leaders who is a native Romanian slept in the same room with boys aged 8 - 16.


So considering this and other things that would be alien to people in the UK I thought when in Rome!  Apparently I needed another leader to be with me.


The Central Church told us we are to adhere to UK Laws so in the UK he probably seen the fact that there were not two leaders present and then jumped to conclusions.


Whatever happened I was extremely pissed and never went near a child.


so christ followers are not following christ? iWcfZhU.png

  • Super Moderator

There is a lot of hatred toward the Romany even in Northern Ireland.  They're called Gypsies and are often accused of sending their children to beg while they drive BMWs and wear Rolex watches.  Hatred of the Romany runs deep throughout Europe; even Hitler wanted to get rid of them along with the Jews.  The youth leader was just expressing this bigotry toward the Romany when he called you out.  If it'd been me, I'd have told him that I would minister to whoever jesus would have ministered to; at least, that's what the christian version of me would have said.  The ex-christian version of me would say, "If you don't like what I am doing, you have my permission to fornicate with a billy-goat, or a cactus; whichever tickles your fancy."


he sounds like a dick tho i agree a mission should have a squeaky clean adheance to ...probably...superior UK child protection laws.However like you say among the non romas mission workers were more relaxed.i agree with other in this thread;they did not want to offend the good church people with you fratenernising with roma urchins.Is it hypocracy?;damn right it is and as someone else pointed out it is not suprising that christians would not follow christs example and associate with 'lower caste's'. your mission leader sounds like a cunt tho,esp his flirting with female mission workers.il bet it was not ok for others to do so tho.should you be suprised at christian leaders hypocrasy and double standards;no i saw it all thru my christian life.But i do understand your hurt and anger at the expereince you had.he should have behaved better.

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