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Atheism/agnosticism And Facebook

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multiple times now... i have found myself wanting to post something that would test my fundy friends and family. something along the lines of "If God is spaceless, timeless, and immaterial... than couldn't he also just not exist?"


has anyone ever done something like this? posted something like this to their facebook or twitter feed? curious.

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I occasionally post something mildly antagonistic, but most of the people I'm still facebook friends with know I'm an atheist so I don't get a lot of blowback.  I try to keep it at a minumum, though, because I don't know who else might be reading my facebook (like employers and such).


I find it irritating when anyone promotes their particular beliefs on a forum like that.


That said, while I don't initiate I have on occasion been unable to resist throwing a turd or two into the ongoing Jesusfest punchbowl.


I post atheism stuff until somebody takes offense, then I laugh like hell and post more!


Hi Luke!


I do understand your desire to test your family and friends with that question, but I'd caution you against doing so.

If you ask it, most likely they'll come right back at you with the counter-question, "Well if God doesn't exist, can you explain how the universe came to exist?"   Do you really want to tackle that one?




If you're brutally honest you could write..."I don't know how the universe came to be."  Or... "Nobody really knows."  But neither of these replies is really going to test them, right?


Or you could try this approach...


"The hot Big Bang is actually the origin of our particular 'pocket' universe, which decayed from the pre-existing scalar Higgs (Inflaton) field into a quark-gluon plasma and then underwent spontaneous symmetry-breaking, nucleosynthesis, recombination and reionization.  Blah-blah-blah... space-time continuum... blah-de-blah-de-blah... hadron epoch... assorted gobbledygook... CMB power spectrum... esoteric gibberish... cosmological principle... yadda-yadda-yadda... jargonese... etcetera, ect...."


...but I wouldn't recommend that, either.




Luke, I know it's difficult to resist the urge, but (imho) you just won't get anywhere with people who've decided not to listen, not to see, not to understand and not to question their beliefs.  Why waste your time and energy on these sheeple?  You can't force them to think if they don't want to.


Yes, I realize that this is a dispiriting message for you to read  - but it's also a realistic one.











Hi Luke!


I do understand your desire to test your family and friends with that question, but I'd caution you against doing so.

If you ask it, most likely they'll come right back at you with the counter-question, "Well if God doesn't exist, can you explain how the universe came to exist?" Do you really want to tackle that one?




If you're brutally honest you could write..."I don't know how the universe came to be." Or... "Nobody really knows." But neither of these replies is really going to test them, right?


Or you could try this approach...


"The hot Big Bang is actually the origin of our particular 'pocket' universe, which decayed from the pre-existing scalar Higgs (Inflaton) field into a quark-gluon plasma and then underwent spontaneous symmetry-breaking, nucleosynthesis, recombination and reionization. Blah-blah-blah... space-time continuum... blah-de-blah-de-blah... hadron epoch... assorted gobbledygook... CMB power spectrum... esoteric gibberish... cosmological principle... yadda-yadda-yadda... jargonese... etcetera, ect...."


...but I wouldn't recommend that, either.




Luke, I know it's difficult to resist the urge, but (imho) you just won't get anywhere with people who've decided not to listen, not to see, not to understand and not to question their beliefs. Why waste your time and energy on these sheeple? You can't force them to think if they don't want to.


Yes, I realize that this is a dispiriting message for you to read - but it's also a realistic one.





i am open to what anyone has to say, and if it's to help me than i appreciate it, even if it is something i might not like... unlike some people.


I've found a lot of times arguing beliefs is just not worth the sanity.

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You won't change anyone's thinking with your post, so what's the point? Just to piss them off? 


multiple times now... i have found myself wanting to post something that would test my fundy friends and family. something along the lines of "If God is spaceless, timeless, and immaterial... than couldn't he also just not exist?"


has anyone ever done something like this? posted something like this to their facebook or twitter feed? curious.


It is tempting and sometimes I can't stop myself....but the result is it either pisses them off or they don't understand what I'm getting at. The other day I found myself thinking that 'they' should just let people believe what they want....then of course I realized I should let them believe what they want as well. So I try to ignore the religious BS and not post negative comments about religion. Instead, I share something from Bill Nye's science page or some other uplifting secular item. Also, the regular daily posters of religious stuff just get unsubscribed from my feed.


Most of what is on my feed I scroll and ignore.

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