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For those interested, I'm running a series of posts doing a historically contextuallized reading of Genesis 1 & 2, as part of a current writing project, tentitavely titled, Does the Bible Support the Claims of Creationists --- Being Honest to the Texts, theirs authors, and their beliefs -- not ours. Lookinf for critical and engaging feedback and comments.



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Cool. I now have learned, though, from a source that you will recognize without my naming it, that Genesis 1-11 was actually transmitted by Abraham from the Sumerian. No priestly politics injected into the texts, no Babylonian exile as its milieu of composition, not even a dome shape for the firmament.



Seriously: I am learning a lot from your supplying this sort of background info!


I'm still working, but I will read this for tonight.  Thanks SRD!


Cool. I now have learned, though, from a source that you will recognize without my naming it, that Genesis 1-11 was actually transmitted by Abraham from the Sumerian. No priestly politics injected into the texts, no Babylonian exile as its milieu of composition, not even a dome shape for the firmament.




Seriously: I am learning a lot from your supplying this sort of background info!

Yep that MF (double entendre intended). I can't even post of there any more. It's impossible to engage him on any textual issue. I'm done with that site.


Beautiful work.. though I am just a few articles in.. I'm going to enjoy this!


Thanks for sharing!


To anyone who is reading this, Ironhorse's reply came from www.apologeticspress.org.  In their 'History and Beliefs' page, they state that:


"Both biblical and scientific evidence indicate a relatively young Earth, in contrast to evolutionary views of a multi-billion-year age for the Earth."


This is their 3rd statement of belief.


This is the same Ironhorse who, when asked point blank why that same god commanded the killings of innocents, gave William Lane Craig's reply.



William Lane Craig, in the link below, calls young earth creationism an embarassment:



So, to recap:


  • Ironhorse quotes the opposing side to Srd44's study from a website endorsing young earth creationism
  • Ironhorse also quotes from William Lane Craig when confronted with another issue.  WLC believes in old earth creationism

I ask you, the reader.  Is this picking and choosing what one wants to believe or no?  And if you are a christian, please ask yourself this.  IH, WLC, and the YEC website writers ALL believe in the same religion.


Do you think it is just and moral for:


  • your religion's god to have his followers give such contradictory evidence
  • your religion's followers to present the above evidence as statements of fact

Ask yourself this other question.  Is this really an omnipotent / omniscient god's work, or just humans vainly trying to pass off their explanations as fact.

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For those interested in the opposing view:





Seriously… read the op… all of it. Follow the sources.. check them out for themselves. 


For those interested in the opposing view:



Sorry there is no opposing view. Unless of course you're opposing the views of the authors of these texts which is a non-argument. To oppose 2,5000 year old culturally conditioned views and beliefs is really not an arguing point. We're interested in the texts on their own terms, their authors, and their beliefs --- not ours! Get real and start being honest to these texts!

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