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Goodbye Jesus

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Something that always bothered me as a Christian was the teaching that masturbation was sinful. This was a perspective that I usually came across in the context of teenage ministry books. And that's bad enough, putting that type of guilt on teens. However, today, while randomly googling something, I came upon a link to a magazine article, I think it was possibly Christianity Today, that was talking about WOMEN'S masturbation, and things like "getting to the root" of it, and women who are in counseling because they are ashamed that they masturbate, etc., etc. There was a list of things a woman could do to avoid the tempation, i.e. let Jesus be your satisfaction, etc. And I was just struck afresh by the absolute bizarrity of it. Is bizarrity a word? Well it is now, because that's what it is, BIZARRE! :)


No, but seriously. It strikes me as absolutely BIZARRE that anyone would think it is okay to tell women (or men, or teens, whatever), that they do not even have a right to touch their OWN BODY. And it is BIZARRE that anyone would give a crap or make it their business whatsoever. Why the fuck should I care if someone touches their own body parts in the privacy of their own home? And why do they think God would care, either? Just insane.

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I think it comes from the religious need to control human sexuality.  Male circumcision is an example of this - it was an attempt to reduce male pleasure from sex.  There is a taboo on masturbation for both genders but I believe it is stronger for girls and women.  It comes from the religious need to control women, giving them a double whammy of both sexuality and gender control.


When I was a fundy for 4 years in my late 20s I went completely celibate.  When I stopped going to church and became a liberal xian for a few more years I went crazy and had multiple casual sexual encounters for months until it became passe for me.  That's what sexual repression does to a person, lol.

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I always ask for proof that masturbation is sin

the best christian can answer is onan, which is wrong because onan not did his part on levirate union and he did coitus interuptus not masturbation

religious people, make rules as they like m7vpk7C.png

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Orgasms feel so damn good that humans couldn't even understand it for a very long time.  So they had to find ways to regulate it.  Or maybe jerking off makes you less likely to get married and make more babies to indoctrinate.  I guess?


It is bizarre.  I'm glad nobody was yelling at me not to masturbate.  What's even more bizarre is that I discovered this hobby around 11 or so when my parents made me read 'Preparing For Adolescence' by Dr. James Dobson (of Focus on the Family).  He is known for not being anti-masturbation, and so when I got that chapter, my first thought was "That sounds awesome!  And he says it's ok!"


It came up in one singles group I was involved in.. the group leader was telling us it was a sin.. in some prayer/accountability groups I've participated in there was always some guy who was 'struggling' and I just kept my mouth shut.  The only thing weirder than church telling you not to masturbate is talking to other guys about it who are struggling.  I guess they didn't read Dobson. laugh.png

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If you think about religion as a virus, it makes sense.  The virus enters the human brain, takes over certain brain functions and immediately begins the task of replicating.  The easiest way for a mental virus to replicate is to be transmitted from parent to child.  Therefore, the virus needs to gain access and control over the parts of the brain that control sexuality.  "Thou shalt not spill thy seed on the ground", is just the virus's way of saying, "Hey! I could have infected those!  Sinful bastard!"  Now, if you'll excuse me, this internet porn ain't gonna download itself.

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Guest afireinside

I refrained from masturnation and anything sexual for over a year, maybe closer to 2. When I finally decided enough is enough I need to relieve some tension every now and again I used to try to masturbate without lusting, it was a strange, strange time in my life.

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I was halfway through this thread when I sploogied all over the screen. Sorry.

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Of course in biblical times there was no need for masturbation because any man could just grab a woman and force her to do what he wanted. There was no need to write about it because Men were in charge and made the women do whatever they wanted.

This is why America needs god! Not!

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A huge problem that is currently plaguing churches is something they call sexual addiction. This has nothing to do with illicit sex per se. The problem is pornography and it's first cousin masturbation. It's a problem they admit is polluting every religious group including the clergy. It is human nature that forbidden fruit is the fruit that is most desired. The best way to make sex more exciting and desirable is to turn it into a sin.


Dr. Darrell Ray has written a wonderful book on this subject. The title of his book is Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality. I just recently finished his other book The God Virus. I highly recommend both books. They can be found at Amazon.

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Think god made arms long enough to reach the crotch by mistake? We're made in his image so I imagine he's looking at "Angels Undressed" magazine and pullin' the holy pud. Glory!!

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Christian leaders make it up as they go along.


Assembly of God youth camp was full of teenage boys kneeling at the alter asking god for forgiveness for pulling our puds.

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I was halfway through this thread when I sploogied all over the screen. Sorry.



Take this to the sex section........dirty ole man....... woohoo.gif  LMAO


I can think of nothing wrong with masturbation, either alone or with a consenting adult or adults.

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We're made in his image so I imagine he's looking at "Angels Undressed" magazine and pullin' the holy pud. Glory!!


Haven't you read the Bible?  God named his "the Holy Spirit".

Guest afireinside

I always wanted The Holy Spirit to come upon me but I'm relieved God withheld that "annointing"


I grew up Presbyterian and no one ever said a word about masturbation--perhaps they were too Calvinistically repressed to even hint at the word. Needless to say I find the whole obsession bizarre.


Wait, so that's NOT what they meant when they said "an intimate personal relationship with Jesus?"


I always wanted The Holy Spirit to come upon me but I'm relieved God withheld that "annointing"



In order to be a disciple you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.    sex.gif

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Assembly of God youth camp was full of teenage boys kneeling at the alter asking god for forgiveness for pulling our puds.

Indeed they were.



I always wanted The Holy Spirit to come upon me but I'm relieved God withheld that "annointing"



In order to be a disciple you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.    sex.gif



Just ask your youth pastor for assistance.


"Think god made arms long enough to reach the crotch by mistake? We're made in his image so I imagine he's looking at "Angels Undressed" magazine and pullin' the holy pud. Glory!! "


I agree. But on the other hand, god set humans up for failure in so any ways, I wouldn't put it past him.   bill

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I always wanted The Holy Spirit to come upon me but I'm relieved God withheld that "annointing"



In order to be a disciple you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.    sex.gif



Just ask your youth pastor for assistance.



Oh I am way too old for him.  I'm an adult.


Sex was the number one biggest and most feared "sin" in our church.  What it was, either masturbation or fornicating (having sex with someone you aren't married to) or homosexual sex.  You were definitely on the road to hell if you are doing any of those things regularly.  Funny, if you got pregnant it was all ok.  When a girl would start to show, she'd have to stand up in front of the congregation and admit her "sin".  Then everythings fine and they're gushing over new mum and baby.  But when you were having sex and not getting pregnant....well then it's burn time, mate you are on the broad road to hell ukliam2.gif   Also at church they'd say that sex and marriage were gods greatest gift but that everyones celibate in heaven. 

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Sex was the number one biggest and most feared "sin" in our church.  What it was, either masturbation or fornicating (having sex with someone you aren't married to) or homosexual sex.  You were definitely on the road to hell if you are doing any of those things regularly.  Funny, if you got pregnant it was all ok.  When a girl would start to show, she'd have to stand up in front of the congregation and admit her "sin".  Then everythings fine and they're gushing over new mum and baby.  But when you were having sex and not getting pregnant....well then it's burn time, mate you are on the broad road to hell ukliam2.gif   Also at church they'd say that sex and marriage were gods greatest gift but that everyones celibate in heaven. 

Interesting how keen they are to capture that new baby no matter what, eh?  To people like that, a woman's value increases dramatically once she's pregnant.  Childless women are only good for making morning tea and teaching Sunday school.


The celibate in heaven thing is totally wierd.  If god can't bear to watch people fucking in heaven, how come he's watching you like ceiling cat while you're on earth?

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