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Goodbye Jesus

Does This Scare You? -- Movie "god Loves Uganda"


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The movie "God Loves Uganda" is now available on iTunes and Netflix.  I just finished watching it on Netflix.  It is particularly significant to me as I have spent a good portion of my life in sub-saharan Africa because of missionary activity.  Basically I lived in this kind of madhouse for over a decade.


Here is the Trailer:


Here is a Slate Review:


Check out the question "Does this scare you?" posed as part of a presentation of the "Good News" at 1:03:30 (Netflix).


The gentleman David Kato, interviewed in this documentary, was murdered in 2011 after being featured on the cover of a Ugandan newspaper as an LGBT activist.

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People die.


If Uganda wants what the USA has, then let them do what the USA does.

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There's a thread on this film in the Critic's Corner section. But yeah, it is incredibly fucked up.

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This will just bring more trouble. People in this world are soooo stupid. Religion will not fix these problems...... It is sooo sad....

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